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Posts posted by vdheyning

  1. Hi!


    Prior to writing my topic I did look at chris Gannon's site, unfortunately I would have to pay to download a file, the cost doesn't worry me, just belonging to yet another site doesn't appeal to me.

    I also tried pasting the code inot a blank dreamweaver page, I have a logo called logo,


    <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudfl...TweenMax.min.js"></script>var letterA = sym.$('AA2');

    window.onload = function(){
        var logo = document.getElementById("logo");
        TweenLite.to(logo, 1, {left:"632px"});
    and again, nothing happens. I just don't know how to start, I like the codepen in the get started, I can see the different files, (HTML, CSS, JS) I just don't know how to replicate it on my desktop.
    I know I'm missing something here, maybe I should juts go back to flash...
    Thanks! Fam
  2. Hi There, 


    I am sorry to be asking this most basic of questions, I come from Flash, and need to switch to Edge, I was perfectly good at copy-paste in AS3, but hardly understood what I was doing, which mattered not as things always worked anyway. I never needed to venture beyond a basic slideshow or a simple portfolio site.


    Now Edge, I tried pasting this into the code editor on the stage


    <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script>var letterA = sym.$('AA2');

    window.onload = function(){
        var logo = document.getElementById("logo");
        TweenLite.to(logo, 1, {left:"632px"});
    Nothing happens. I just don't know how to start to get things going. Once I get it started, I'll be back at copy paste, and all will be well again.
    I know it's like asking how do you hold a pencil, but I can't seem to figure it out.


  3. Hi jack, sorry to be back again with this,

    but something else curious is happening now, I got the swf to load in its container in (see attached) flashEx8.fla in the testComOld folder, using a previous version of com, but I get an error and the swf 's buttons don't work. In the testComNew folder, flashEx9.fla, using your latest com files, the swf still doesn't load within my container, but the loaded swf is interactive. The loaded swf: CountryMap is from same fla file in both cases, also attached.


    It's driving me crazy! So, if you can still find it within yourself to give this one more glance, I would really appreciate it, if not, I really understand, and I apologize for being a pain!


    Thanks, and happy holidays!



  4. HI Jack, noi I don't get errors with the files you sent back to me, but that's only one swf that I need to load in my portfolio, and that one adds everything to the stage instead of to the container, and I can't figure out how to fix that, the one I get the error on is the one on this site:




    the middle button, which you said you also get an error on, but a null child error, which doesn't really affect the performance, but with the new com file, the fla doesn't even publish, so it does not work for me, as I can live with an error when people click too soon, before the sound has done loading, I can probably fix that by putting a delay on the click here to close button, but I can't fix the fla file not publishing.


    all the files are on this site




    if you were to use your new com folder with this file, you'ld get that error: (the swfs are also in that folder http://www.sosimplified.com/site_test/ )


    param count mismatch

    virt params=3 optional=3 com.greensock.loading.core::LoaderItem/_dump()

    over params=2 optional=2 com.greensock.loading.core::LoaderItem/_dump()

    VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of MP3Loader in com.greensock.loading.MP3Loader.


    at global$init()

    at Gowan_fla::MainTimeline/frame87()[Gowan_fla.MainTimeline::frame87:2]



    but honestly, I really don't expect you to waste any more of your time on this, I am grateful for all the time you already spent trying to help me, I know it must be really hard trying to fix colossal messes like mine, but if it's nagging you, this is where it all lives!



  5. thanks Jack, I know I sometimes get null errors too, but only if I try to click too fast from one to another, which I think is because the sound is not quite done loading and I'm trying to unload it, but with the newest com folder the whole thing doesn't work, but that's Ok for now, I am going to use the html swf loading method instead.


    I also tried using container instead of stage but I get errors that way too, I'm going to follow the advice from a good teacher I once had: walk away from it and it might come to you later!


    Again, thank you for all your help, if I ever figure out any of these problems, I'll let you know!





  6. Hi Jack,


    Of course I don't expect you to troubleshoot my files, that would be crazy, I just thought you were successful just by swapping the com folder with the new one.

    The error I get is not in uploading this countryMap_22.swf but in loading the swfs I managed to upload succesfully in the previous file, see this link.




    The files are just way too big to get to you, I'll just go back to the old com folder, which loads the other swfs fine without error, and forget about this particular countryMap_22.swf on my portfolio page, as I don't see how I can add the movieclips to the stage without adding them to the stage, if you see what I mean. I'm juts not good enough in as3 to figure it out. Anyway, such is life in code land!


    Again, thank you so much for your time, I think we gave it a good enough try, as I get better maybe slowly all these issues will get ironed out!



  7. Hi jack, I dutyfully took away


    import gs.*; // <-- OLD!

    import gs.easing.*; // <-- OLD!

    import gs.plugins.*; // <-- OLD!


    so I only had this left:


    import com.greensock.*;

    import com.greensock.loading.*;

    import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;

    import com.greensock.loading.display.*;


    re-imported again your new com folder, but it's still not working, I don't know what to fix on the CountryMap_022.fla file, if you did some editing there too, could you send the file back to me? Or if you have a folder with thefiles in it and the com folder you used and zipped it and it works for you it should work for me, right?

    I'm sorry this is all getting a little out of hand and I understand that it's not really your problem, also, by replacing the com folder with the latest and greatest I now still get that same error, what am I doing wrong? I just replace the com folder in my classpath folder, correct? And once the swf is correctly published, it doesn't need the com folder anymore, right? as I don't have to upload it to my server when publishing, am I missing something really obvious?

    One more go-around and then I may have to give up...but I hope your next reply will fix it...

    Thanks, I really appreciate it...



    PS I did attach the swf I get as a result to show you what i mean

  8. HI jack, another problem, when I update the com file, I now get an error message


    param count mismatch

    virt params=3 optional=3 com.greensock.loading.core::LoaderItem/_dump()

    over params=2 optional=2 com.greensock.loading.core::LoaderItem/_dump()

    VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of MP3Loader in com.greensock.loading.MP3Loader.


    at global$init()

    at Gowan_fla::MainTimeline/frame87()[Gowan_fla.MainTimeline::frame87:2]



    in my older fla file, this one:







    it works when I switch back to my outdated version of com.

    Sorry to be such a pain...

    Thanks, Fam

  9. HI jack,


    I will try and upload some sample swfs, but just so I can explain what I'm trying to do, here's my test site, I am trying to build a portfolio piece with some of my flash pieces,

    clicking the square images opnes the corresponding swf, some are loaded directly with your code, (the first one), the others I first loaded them with UIloader component, see previous issues.




    I will also upload the latest fla file, stripped from everything I don't need, because I have another issue:

    queue3.append( new SWFLoader("testUI3.swf", {name:"mainClip", estimatedBytes:30000, container:flash_mc3, autoPlay:false}) );


    for some reason the container gets ignored, and the movie just loads in the main frame, I do not have that issue with the other swfs, (other issues, but not this one, I will send you 2 attachement, I had to delete a lot to make the file be under 1 meg, but I still have to do it in 2 goes, if you want to see the fla file from the swf Im trying to upload.


    I hope you can help with this, though I'm beginning to think I should not be making a portfolio of flash pieces...:(


    Again, thank you so very much,



  10. HI Jack, again ,thanks, I will try and make the example files tomorrow, the problem is that the files I need to show are big and long animations, and they are the ones that get messed up, I did however find one solution:

    (and this, I swear is why I always get in trouble in life and ActionScript, I just hack my way through it like a chicken without a head)


    If I load the file into an UILoader, publish it, and then use the resulting swf with your loader, all is well!


    I know that's not how you're meant to do it, but it works and for now that makes me very happy.

    I will make the example files tomorrow,


    thank you so very much for all your help and patience,



  11. Hi Jack, thank you for your patience...

    I tried this, as you suggested, changed next frame to play, and put stop on top, but now when I use swf loader, the preloader just keeps playing and playing, the movie never starts...

    I know this is not tweening stuff, and I know you say it doesn't work with the adobe loader, but it does seem to work with the flash UILoader, also, when I do make the changes, as see below, as you suggested, the movie publishes fine...

    I don't understand why it works for you and not for me...maybe bad karma...:):(




    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;

    function update(e:ProgressEvent):void


    var percent:Number = Math.floor( (e.bytesLoaded*100)/e.bytesTotal );

    if(preloaderMC is MovieClip){



    if(percent == 100){




    loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, update);


    // Extra test for IE

    var percent:Number = Math.floor( (this.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded*100)/this.loaderInfo.bytesTotal );

    if(percent == 100){



  12. HI Jack, sorry but I tried changing the loader code, but it didn't help, the swf's get stuck on the first frame, in almost all my swfs, but the uiLoader works, it doesn't matter if I used scenes or not, all my other swfs won't load, if they have a timeline in them, and most my swfs are a mixture of coding and timeline. I was taught to put the loader in the first scene/frame, so all my swfs are like that, I have no problem getting rid of the loaders but it's not solving my loader problem.

    Did you get to load that swf?



    If I could get the UILoader to stop the music and have some control over it like I have with your loader, (when it does load the swfs) I would use the component, but I can't find anything in any forum that shows me how to control the component


    the following code works too:

    but again it's more complicated than yours




    var clips:Array = ["mK15.swf", "hol1.swf", "Holiday.swf"];

    var index:int = 0;


    // Stuff to load swf files

    var thisLoader:Loader = new Loader();

    thisLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, doneLoading);


    var thisMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    stage.addChild(thisMC); // Add empty MC initially so the nextClip function can be generic


    // Removes old MC and gets the next one, waiting until when it has initialized beore adding it to the stage

    function nextClip():void {

    thisLoader.load(new URLRequest(clips[index]));



    // Tell AS that the loaded file is a movie clip and add it to the stage.

    function doneLoading(e:Event):void {



    thisMC = MovieClip(thisLoader.content);






    I think I'm going to give up and just load boring old html pages with the click of the button.

    If you can think of any other reason these things wont play, please let me know,



  13. Hi jack,

    this time I can't get my swf to play, they load fine when I use the uicomponent, but when I try loading my swf with your loaders, it doesn't seem to like it, the swfs are often timeline based and have a lot of masks, the swf doesn't want to go past the first frame, here you can see a swf: http://www.sosimplified.com/Holiday/


    the file is called: Holiday_EMCOR5.swf


    they are too big to upload, if I try to load it with you loader, I just get a black image, it seems the swf does not play past its first frame.

    I wouldn't mind using the uicomponent, but I don't know how to get the music to play again when people want to see the swf again (you probably figured I'm trying to build a portfolio with my flash pieces... not having a lot of luck. :( )


    Maybe you know why your loader doesn't like my swfs? You can find the fla file in the same folder if you have the time and are interested...




  14. Thanks Jack!


    I wish I could be clearer, but I mess with code the trial and error way, without really understanding it.... I know its not ideal, but it works up to a point.

    I'll see if I can make a file that's small enough with sound on the timeline so I can send it.


    I don't know why the movies with pre-loaders don't work, but when I take the first frame with the preloader and its script off, it works, so I just took it off the swf movies I want to load.


    As the sound goes, I am not adding the sound with actionscript, just dumping it on the timeline, and they are supposed to run for the duration of the movie...so no event really stops it... anyway it works, so I'm not going to fret over it any longer, attached see the pre-loader I was using, maybe that clarifies it,


    thanks for your reply,



  15. I fixed it all by myself!

    (well, with copy paste and the help of numerous forums)


    this is what I did:


    in the close button function, I added

    the following:




    like so:


    close_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeWindow);

    function closeWindow(event:MouseEvent):void {


    TweenLite.to(close_btn, 1, {alpha:0});

    TweenLite.to(flash_mc0, 1, {x:-773, onComplete:unload_mc});





    function unload_mc():void {




    works like a charm!

    and the whole swf and sound all starts playing again when re-loading the movie!


    If you think/know this is all wrong, please let me know, in the meantime I am happy this works!


    Thanks again for your great site and great code!

  16. Re: removing swf sound


    Post by sebastianC. » Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:13 pm


    Hi Jack, I did read the posting by sebastian, but I'm afraid I don't quite get your solution, I tried pasting your code everywhere without any success, I'm sorry my as knowledge is just not good enough to just get it,

    I am attaching the fla file and the swf file that I'm trying to load. The sound lives on the timeline of the ACE.swf, I had hoped that putting it there rather than loading it it would solve the problem but it didn't .

    One thing I did find out though that your loader won't load swfs that have pre-loaders! That took me hours to figure out and it's probably a no brainer to every one else out there...:)


    As always, thank you very much for all your efforts,



    here's the code, I was hoping the queue2.unload(); would stop the sound, I do get the garbage removal principle, but I don't know how to make it happen...




    var queue2:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue"/*, onComplete:completeHandler, , onProgress:progressHandleronError:errorHandler*/});

    queue2.append( new SWFLoader("mK15.swf", {name:"mainClip", estimatedBytes:3000, container:flash_mc0, autoPlay:false}) );




    flash0.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getFlashMC0);

    function getFlashMC0(event:MouseEvent):void {

    TweenLite.to(flash_mc0, 1, {x:80, alpha:1});

    TweenLite.to(close_btn, 1, {alpha:1});




    close_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeWindow);

    function closeWindow(event:MouseEvent):void {


    TweenLite.to(close_btn, 1, {alpha:0});

    TweenLite.to(flash_mc0, 1, {x:-773, onComplete:unload_mc});

    function unload_mc():void {



  17. Hi Jack,


    I think you are a genius, if it wasn't for your very user friendly code and your even friendlier replies to all my simpleton questions, I would have given up on action script a long time ago.

    I find it hard to wrap my head around AS, but with your classes I can do enough to impress my clients and keep them happy!


    One problem I was encountering and why I pasted the loader inside my function was that when I loaded the sound outside the function, on button1 roll over it would play, and when I used the sound on another button2 on roll-over, it wouldn't play again when I rolled over the first button1, but that was solved when I had the sound load within the function, on each button.


    I will try and recreate that as my original file is too big for your upload.


    Again, thanks for your help!



  18. Hi Jack,


    thank you for your reply to my other topic, I'll have to re-create that situation to post an smaller FLA file, so you can see what I mean.


    Now I have another issue, how do I stop sound with a mouse event?


    See attached file, I want the sound to start playing (like in a button) on rollover, and then I want it to stop playing on roll out, but I can't get that to work, if the sound is short enough, like a click, it's no problem, but with a longer sound file, it wont work, it seems such a simple thing...

    As always, thanks!



  19. Hi Jack,

    Sorry this is yet again a beginner's question, I have an old swf file from my client that has the wrong beginning and end logo, I managed to place the old logo on top of the loaded swf with addChild, thus covering it, in the beginning, but I can't figure out how to add the same movieclip to the end, so it covers the old logo.

    I am not getting any good results with an swf decompiler, so the only way I could see this happening is by this add child method as the loader ignores layers. I'm afraid my knowledge of flash never seems to move much beyond the copy and paste stage, but I hope you can, yet again, help,

    my swf file exceeds your byte limit, maybe you know a quick answer without seeing an fla file, but in the meantime I'll try and come up with an example...


    Thank you so much, as always, very grateful,



  20. Hi there!


    I was wondering if I get transform manager, can I drag a square movieclip and have it snap to a grid, (if need be an underlaying square?) I'm not sure how to mimic a grid in as3, the attached fla file will give an idea of what I'm after, you grab one of the boxes and drag to the center square where it will automatically enlarge and snap to the grid, and then become a navigational button.

    I can figure out how to make it a navigation, but can transform manager do what I'd like to do?

    I'd also like the mc to become a little transparent so you can still see what's underneath it when dragging...

    I have really no problem paying for the software, (and I get the discount I think as a shockingly green member!) but I would like to know if this can be done!


    Thank you so much for your always great advice and code!

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