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Posts posted by Dawid

  1. 12 hours ago, Visual-Q said:

    A simple way might be to animate left value 100% to 0%. Instead of a transform. We usually recommend transforms as they are more performant but in your case the animation is simple enough it may work fine just with left movement.


    Another way would be to add a screen resize event listener and reset the x value and/or timeline accordingly.


    If you are able to make a codepen of it we may be able to assist more effectively.

    See the Pen vYKYbPm by breeg554 (@breeg554) on CodePen

    here is codepen of this problem. When you open and close menu and next resize window to bigger, the menu starts sticking out. 

    I tried with 'left'  as you advised


  2. 58 minutes ago, Visual-Q said:

    A simple way might be to animate left value 100% to 0%. Instead of a transform. We usually recommend transforms as they are more performant but in your case the animation is simple enough it may work fine just with left movement.


    Another way would be to add a screen resize event listener and reset the x value and/or timeline accordingly.


    If you are able to make a codepen of it we may be able to assist more effectively.



    I tried quickly with 'left' but the effect was the same. 

    Tomorrow I will try to prepare a codepen

  3. Hi, 

    i am just getting to know gsap and i have a little problem :/.

    I am writting a page in gatsby and made a mobile side menu with gsap but i noticed that when the menu is opened for the first time and closed, after resizing the window, the menu doesn't change its position on the x-axis and starts sticking out. 

    const Header = () => {
      const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)
      const menuRef = useRef(null)
      const menuBtn = useRef(null)
      const tl = useRef()
      const toggleOpen = () => {
      useEffect(() => {
        const nav = menuRef.current
        const mainMenuLists = [...nav.querySelectorAll("ul:nth-of-type(1) li")]
        const socialLists = [...nav.querySelectorAll("ul:nth-of-type(2) li")]
        const btn = menuBtn.current
        const upLine = btn.querySelector("span:nth-of-type(1)")
        const centerLine = btn.querySelector("span:nth-of-type(2)")
        const downLine = btn.querySelector("span:nth-of-type(3)")
        tl.current = gsap
          .to([upLine, downLine], { y: "-50%", duration: 0.3 })
          .to(upLine, { duration: 0.1, rotation: 45 }, 0.2)
          .to(downLine, { duration: 0.1, rotation: -45 }, 0.2)
          .to(centerLine, { duration: 0.1, autoAlpha: 0 }, 0.2)
          .to(nav, { x: "0", duration: 0.5, autoAlpha: 1 })
            { x: "-=15px", autoAlpha: 0 },
            { x: "0", autoAlpha: 1 },
            { y: "+=3px", autoAlpha: 0 },
            { y: "0", autoAlpha: 1 },
      }, [])
      useEffect(() => {
      }, [isOpen])
      return (
            <AniLink path="/" hex="#333">
              <LogoImg />
          <OpenMenuBtn ref={menuBtn} onClick={toggleOpen}>
            <span />
            <span />
            <span />
          <Nav menuRef={menuRef}  setIsOpen={setIsOpen} />
    const Nav = styled.nav`
      position: fixed;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      bottom: 0;
      right: 0;
      transform: translateX(100%);
      background-color: #ccc;
      z-index: 99;
    const Navigation = ({ setIsOpen, menuRef}) => {
      return (
        <Nav ref={menuRef} onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)}>


    I think i know what the problem is.

    Timeline is created when the component is mounted and the first time the menu is opened it pops up getting translate (0). When I close the menu, the animation returns back and gsap assigns to the translate (x), value from the start of the animation.

    because the animation is set to reverse (I know it's obvious) .


    I wonder if there is any possibility to change the value of position  x only when the animation returns?(Because I can't/ i don't know how do this animation differently: D)


    short demo

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