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Posts posted by hobo.tony

  1. On 6/12/2020 at 4:06 PM, ZachSaucier said:

    Hey feulait and welcome. Thanks for being a Club GreenSock member! 


    That pen you link to has a very interesting approach. Here's how I'd set it up with ScrollTrigger (note that I didn't try to match the exact intro animations that that person used - mine is kind of a placeholder):


    Let me know if you have questions :) 


    EDIT: Note that this approach is a hack and I don't really recommend using it in most cases. ScrollTrigger is not built to scroll-jack like this. See my post here for more info.


    Hello @ZachSaucier :
    This solution works pretty well on desktop, but when I tried that on the phone it get really messy, on first swipe it snaps well, but that it continues snapping on other sections without even touching it. Is it well known issue or its just me? If so does any quick fix exist?

    I know this solution is hack, but since I would really like to use gsap on my new project, I'd like to make it work somehow. In worse case is there a way how to use ScrollTrigger together with a tool like fullpage.js?


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