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Posts posted by arjen

  1. 3 hours ago, akapowl said:

    It is just because of the natural pin behaviour.


    This is what I am beginning to understand.  When I remove the vertical aligning the title is at its correct positioning. 


    3 hours ago, akapowl said:

    You pin the teal element when its top hits the center of the screen.

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. Really appreciate it! 

    • Like 2
  2. Hello @akapowl thanks! Another possibily indeed. It is something I tried before, but might be actually the best solution. It feels a bit hacky though.

    I finally understand where the spacing is coming from. Since I align my content vertically actual space is not added below but the content moves down because the pin-spacer creates additional padding.  One thing which bugs me is that I don't seem to understand why pinSpacing: false isn't working since ScrollTrigger always seem to create the pin-spacer div.

  3. Hello @akapowl thanks for helping (and the welcome 🙏). Appreciate it!


    In your example the section snaps to the end (or start of the next section). I would like to snap it to the center of the slide itself. Also the first slide should be visible too. Any thoughts on this particular interaction?

  4. Hi,


    ScrollTrigger is awesome! But I have ran into an issue regarding pinning. It might be due to my limited understanding of ScrollTrigger. I'd like to have regular scroll and while scrolling the images can scroll natural, but the title + sub title needs to appear if the current section is visible  . Also the section needs to snap to the center . The thing is I don't need the additional space which seem to coming from the pinning (see screenshot) 🤔. The titles are supposed be centered vertically within the current section.

    I'm a bit clueless as to why this space is generated. It apparently has to do something with the start: "top 50%" because whenever I change those values the spacing moves accordingly up or down.


    How do they operate together? I've tried disabling pinSpacing, but it doesn't seem to do anything for me. I'd love some pointers.


    Many thanks in advance!



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