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Posts posted by hookmark

  1. Hey Zach!

    Thanks so much for this. It's exactly what I was hoping for. That method of dropping a timeline with its tweens directly within an .add() is great! And then the keyframe with a duration of 0 is also awesome for a "fromTo" functionality. My sadness is lifted!

    In the Flash days, I was stubbornly mostly on the timeline, but I picked up GSAP promptly with Flash's demise. The kangaroo was something I animated from scratch with GSAP. The kangaroo, alone, was originally for a banner using a realistic png that I split apart for puppeting. In the banner it just hopped quickly across the stage, so I made this codepen to feature the hop cycle and some original illustration. 

    I hope other people will find your response as useful as I have. Some here certainly will. 


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    	//old way
            //single hop
            TweenMax.fromTo("#tail1", 0.25,  {rotation: 24},{rotation: -24, ease: Power1.easeInOut}),
            TweenMax.to("#tail1", 0.1, {rotation: 0, ease: Power1.easeIn}),
            TweenMax.to("#tail1", 0.4, {rotation: 24, ease: Power3.easeOut}),
        ],0, "sequence");
    	//new way
            //single hop
            gsap.fromTo("#tail1", 0.25,  {rotation: 24},{rotation: -24, ease: "power1.inOut"}),
            gsap.to("#tail1", 0.1, {rotation: 0, ease: "power1.in", delay: .25}),
            gsap.to("#tail1", 0.4, {rotation: 24, ease: "power3.out", delay: .35}),

    Hi! This is my first ever post in the forums, but I've gotten so much valuable information from here over the past several years, so first and foremost, this community has my great appreciation. After over a year having not directly touched banner/GSAP animation, I recently dove back in and saw some amazing new things had happened with the new GSAP. But then I saw something I was quite sad about...like, it surprised me just how sad haha.

    One of my favorite ways to break out smaller pieces of complex animations was with the method under "//old way" in the code snippet (the codepen is just an example of one such complex animation where these tween arrays were extremely helpful). It was a beautiful thing to animate freely with any combination of 'from, to, fromTo, and set' then slap a "sequence" after the position parameter and know that the whole little sequence could then be moved around on the timeline without the need for further nesting timelines or doing a bunch of math for delay values. You could even add negative delays to get some overlap if desired—it was slick! Under "//new way," durations of tweens get added for the delay value of the next tween. It works the same way as "sequence" did, but it's more work, and animating becomes a pain as you're dialing it in because you have more things to change. Is there any hope for the "sequence" method on tween arrays to make a comeback?

    It's also very likely that I'm not versed enough in the new GSAP to know there's something better, faster, and stronger than my beloved "sequence". I am aware of the new keyframes method, which seems super cool, but as far as I know, not as cool for two reasons: you can't combine "from/fromTo/to" within the keyframe sequence, and you can't mix targets within the keyframes. That makes sense when you think of them strictly as keyframes, but I miss the flexibility. Have I missed something with the keyframes method? Or is there some other new method that I should explore?


    I appreciate any thought toward this, and I'm curious to know if I'm alone or if anyone else feels like something has been lost here.

    See the Pen zPwaMV?editors=0010 by hook-motion (@hook-motion) on CodePen

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