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Devin Ross

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Posts posted by Devin Ross

  1. Hi Zach,


    Thanks for the tip. You are a super hero indeed.

    It looks like I still have a problem where my block to fade in full width photos also seems to fade in all other divs that have that same class. Can't seem to figure this out either.



      { opacity: 0 },
        opacity: 1,
        duration: 1,
        scrollTrigger: {
          trigger: ".photo-block-full-width",
          pin: false, // pin the trigger element while active
          start: "top 50%", // when the top of the trigger hits the top of the viewport
          end: () => "+=500", // end after scrolling 500px beyond the start





    I'm having a problem with scrollTrigger. I have two sections that I want to do a horizontal scroll. I've got both individually working great. But when I mix the two in together on the same page. There are issues. Notably on Safari you can see after one horizontal section is done, it's taken over by the next horizontal scroll even though the second horizontal scroll area is not the next section on the page. Can you anyone point me in the right direction to fix this?



    See the Pen BaKXwPG by devinross-the-decoder (@devinross-the-decoder) on CodePen

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