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Christopher Reeve

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Posts posted by Christopher Reeve

  1. 1 hour ago, ZachSaucier said:

    I'm not seeing any blinking (I.e. element disappearing for a second) when testing on any browser or OS. I do see some jumping (I.e. a sudden change of position) if I scroll fast. But this is to be expected because your scrub of 0.5 means it will take half a second to get to the end value but the other tween overrides that animation. If you don't want that to happen you can either set scrub to true or use a timeline with one ScrollTrigger instead of two tweens with their own ScrollTriggers. Does that make sense?

    thats what i meant! i just can't find the right word for it

    Thankyou for the help zac!

  2. Hello, first of all thankyou for this amazing library. 

    i've just found gsap and try to learning it this past few weeks


    right now i'm working on a scroll based animation website which animate so many element based only when the user scroll.

    and now i've found a problem and confused how to fix it.


    the problem is occured when i try to scroll the box between end of animation 1 end start of animation 2 so fast, the box will suddenly blinking to the end of animation 1 

    what i want to achieve is the box should move to start of animation 2 end smoothly going to animation 1

    this only happen when i try to animate same var (ex : animate Y in two differents animation)

    is there any way to fix this? or did i do it wrong? please tell me 

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