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Posts posted by Mustafeez

  1. Hey, I actually tried and still trying to achieve something like to pin a section and within that pin sectioned elements to get animated right after other which can be achieved by timeline BUT the problem is that I want to controll the animation with scroll trigger, like first element within pinned section animate automatically But the 2nd element should be animate when I scroll down my mouse wheel instead of starts automatically right after completion of first element animation.

    You can see here what I actually trying to achieve https://appshah.com

  2. On 6/15/2020 at 10:41 PM, GreenSock said:

    Looks like you just forgot to create a timeline. You were trying to chain a to() call on a simple tween, but you can't do that. You need a timeline. Think of a timeline like a container for tweens (and/or other timelines). 


    // BAD
    // GOOD:

    Does that clear things up? 


    Can we control timelined animation with scroll trigger? Like animations in timeline starts right after the first ones get completed Automatically, what If we start the 2nd animation of timelined element with scroll instead of start auto right after first ones get completed?

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