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Posts posted by Metz

  1. Hi Carl,


    thank you for the quick reply! Sadly I'm not a shockingly green club greensock member.

    I would apply to a green club greensock membership for this, but since I'm new to flash and clearly don't know how to use all of the big advantages of the $99-membership, this would be too much for me being a student!


    Any chance that you could help me with the scrolling, but without the fancy effects?

    Or any chance of somehow getting the flick-scrolling to work in another way?


    Thank you very much for your help!

  2. Hey everyone,


    I spend most of this evening trying to find out how to build in Flick-scrolling into my project for school.

    I'm designing a touch-screen device, but for my presentation I'll stick with a plain flash animation and a replaced mouse-arrow in shape of a finger.


    I want it to work pretty much as on an iPhone. Basically a 1:1 version of the Flick-scrolling example found on the greensock-homepage:



    But I don't know how and what to import into my flash-document.

    Could anyone help me with that, please?


    I attached my flash-document.

    I want the "Rezeptliste A-Z"-movieclip to scroll within the "Maske Liste"-Layer of the "Masken Rezepte"-movieclip


    Best regards from Germany!

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