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Posts posted by michgh

  1. Hi guys,

    I did this interaction with scroll trigger, but my team members brought up the lack of smoothness in Safari. Can you guys take a look and let me know if there is something that I can add to make the effect smoother or if there is another way to achieve this animation. It was made just for desktop. 


    thank you for your help 


    See the Pen BaQYyqj by michgh (@michgh) on CodePen

  2. Tank you so Much Zach you are a master!

    Cool I'm changing all to %. To get a space btween containers? I Added a delay in the first animations but didn't solve it, I want to have a gap between animation, If you see I added a css style to make it longer(

     .container1 {

    1. border: 1px solid red;
    2. min-height: 600px;


    but I don't think what I did is the right direction any suggestions? 

  3. Hi guys,

    I did an animation in 3 states base on scroll

    1. Start- elements go to the top (Yellow)
    2. Pin(Red)
    3. End elements continue going up(Green)


    But I'm getting a little jump when 3rd state starts. I really need help with this. I don't know if the way that I looped is correct or needs to be more specific for each container. I would love to hear your feedback


    Thank You


    See the Pen zYBWorX?editors=0010 by michgh (@michgh) on CodePen

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