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Posts posted by benchworksdigital

  1. the code you posted is definitely AS3 you need to make sure you have the as3 version of greensock and are publishing for AS3.


    go into com/greensock/TweenLite.as file and make sure it is the right version


    make sure that your com folder is in the same directory as your fla.


    Also also the reason publishing to AS2 made the errors go away is because AS2 does not have near the prowess for reporting compile-time errors. It lets a lot of things slide. It doesn't care that TweenLite isn't found.


    Hey Carl,


    Thanks. I got the original files and they were in as2, and the swf was working, so I thought I could just use that. Simple fix for a silly problem. I appreciate your post :D

  2. Main FLA:

    import com.greensock.TweenLite; //this is not working. Why?
    import com.greensock.easing.Strong;
    import com.greensock.easing.Elastic;
    TweenLite.to(share,1.6,{y:530, delay: 4, ease:Strong.easeOut});
    TweenLite.to(share.unsafe,1,{alpha:0, delay: 5.5, ease:Strong.easeOut});
    TweenLite.to(share.illegal,1.5,{alpha:1, delay: 5.7, ease:Strong.easeOut});
    TweenLite.to(learn,1.6,{y:571, delay: 5.6, ease:Strong.easeOut, onComplete:wiggle});
    function wiggle(){
    TweenLite.to(learn,.1,{x:72, ease:Strong.easeInOut, onComplete:wiggle2});
    function wiggle2(){
    TweenLite.to(learn,.1,{x:84, ease:Strong.easeInOut, onComplete:wiggle3});
    function wiggle3(){
    TweenLite.to(learn,.1,{x:72, ease:Strong.easeInOut, onComplete:wiggle4});
    function wiggle4(){
    TweenLite.to(learn,.1,{x:84, ease:Strong.easeInOut, onComplete:wiggle5});
    function wiggle5(){
    TweenLite.to(learn,.1,{x:72, ease:Strong.easeInOut, onComplete:returnhome});
    function returnhome(){
    TweenLite.to(learn,.1,{x:78, ease:Strong.easeInOut});

  3. Hey guys.


    First off, I'm pretty new to AS. I'm doing this for my job since I have a little experience. Have a deadline to get this thing done by 2. It's one of the most menial tasks ever. Just changing a bit of text in an existing piece.


    However I'm facing a major problem.


    I was given a folder with all of the necessary assets, (main FLA, com/greensock/etc). When I played the exported swf, it seemed to run fine. The moment I opened the FLA to try to make the edit, I got a 5007 error saying TweenLite isn't defined, something or other.


    Then, I went to publish settings and changed it from AS3 to AS2,(the contents of this package is using as2). My error is gone, but my tween just won't work. It's like it doesn't exist. Even tried setting up classpath, though I may have done that wrong.


    If anyone can help, and fast, I can email you all the files.

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