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Lee Marshall

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Posts posted by Lee Marshall

  1. I wonder if some kind soul could help me with the following ask.


    We have a segmented circle (ask1.png attached) When the user clicks on a segment, an orange wash fills the circle up in an anti-clockwise animation (ask2.png attached) until the whole circle is orange, when some text will appear (ask3.png).


    I have been racking my brains trying to work out how to approach this, so any help would be gratefully received!




  2. Hi, I have created a website for a client where the designer has included a splattering of small SVG animation using GASP. What I have noticed, and not sure if it is even related to the site, but the fan on my mac seems to be constantly on. Would GSAP animation cause real issues with multiple animation on the page, and is there a way to test if the site is overdoing it?


    Many thanks

  3. Hi,

    I have a web page that has a fairly long vertical page, there are trigger points that start various animations and also has interactivity embedded in the page.

    Fine for desktop, however on a mobile device if I click a button or a link, to open a popup, the stupid IOS address bar keeps hiding and showing. This affects the scroll position and therefore it jumps to the new position, completely losing the flow.


    Does any body have experience of this?



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