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Posts posted by fabiodev

  1. I updated my codepen:


    Your suggestion to use position sticky seems to work pretty good! :) There is only some odd behaviour when the layer becomes fixed, especially in Firefox (the image "jumps" away).


    ps: I also had to set the start property to 'bottom bottom' because in my case panels are not all of the same height of 100vh.

  2. Hi Zach, thanks for the welcome and for the answer. Yes, you're totally right. I misspoke, I'm sorry. What i wanna do is not a parallax effect but the effect explained in the ScrollTrigger introduction video. I want to reveal one section in top of each other at the page scrolling. And in one of this fixed section I need to have a sticky element, exactly like in your codepen example. But yes, the issue is that i can't have nested pinning. So I need to find another solution. Thanks again.


  3. Hi all,

    I have a page with some sections that may have variable heights. To have a sort of parallax effect on page scrolling, I'm using ScrollTrigger and the beautiful "pin" property. Now, in one of this section I need to have a "pinned" container that must remain fixed in position until the section content end. How can I do?


    Thanks in advance for your help.

    See the Pen dyGeQzK by fabiodev84 (@fabiodev84) on CodePen

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