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Posts posted by byHumans

  1. Works great! Just leave the code here if someone have the same problem:
    Note: using UIkit3 util classes ( UIkit.util.on ) for event listeners, use addEventListener instead.

    util.on(prodCatBtn, 'click', function(){
      gsap.to(window, { duration: 0.35, delay: .35, scrollTo: { y: ".switcher-prod", offsetY: 140 }, ease: "power2.inOut", onComplete: function(){
        // refresh 
      } });

    Docs section: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/Plugins/ScrollTrigger/static.refresh()

    • Like 1
  2. Seems that ScrollTrigger.refresh() does the job, i´m checking the docs...


    Recalculates the positioning of all of the ScrollTriggers on the page which typically happens automatically when the window/scroller resizes but you can force it by calling ScrollTrigger.refresh(). For example, if you make changes to the DOM that would cause a reflow and position changes like expanding content.

    This is just my case. I´m tying to apply it on the scrollto onComplete callback.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi there! I´m using the brand new Scroll Trigger plugin, it´s amazing!

    But i´m having a problem using it with Smooth scroll: i have a link that scroll the page to some point, but after this scroll the Scroll Trigger markers move and the animation that should be triggered doesn´t start. If not scrolled, the script works as it should.


    Here is the example with markers:  https://byhumans.works/area/cliente/roalca/


    The bottom blue section have a countdown ( gsap timeline ) that is triggered once with Scroll Trigger. Click on buttons after "Nuestros Productos" title and you will see how the blue section with numbers below lost the trigger start point.


    I have to do something else after i smooth scroll the page? if i use other script to scroll the page same thing happens.


    This happens in all browsers, in pc, ipad and smartphone.



    My js:

    // scroll on click category
    var prodCatBtn = util.$$('.prod-cat-link');
    // scroll
    util.on(prodCatBtn, 'click', function(){
    gsap.to(window, { duration: 0.35, delay: .35, scrollTo: { y: ".switcher-prod", offsetY: 140 }, ease: "power2.inOut" });
    // top boxes animation
    var counter1 = { var: 1950 };
    var counter2 = { var: 0 };
    var counter3 = { var: 0 };
    var count1 = util.$(".number-1");
    var count2 = util.$(".number-2");
    var count3 = util.$(".number-3");
    count1.innerHTML = counter1.var;
    count2.innerHTML = counter2.var;
    count3.innerHTML = counter3.var;
    // counter animation
    var tl = gsap.timeline({ repeat: false, ease: "none" });
    tl.to(counter1, {
    var: 2004,
    duration: 3,
    onUpdate: function () {
    count1.innerHTML = Math.ceil(counter1.var);
    .to(counter2, {
    var: 16,
    duration: 3,
    onUpdate: function () {
    count2.innerHTML = Math.ceil(counter2.var);
    }, "-=2")
    .to(counter3, {
    var: 160,
    duration: 3,
    onUpdate: function () {
    count3.innerHTML = Math.ceil(counter3.var);
    }, "-=2");
    trigger: ".counter-wrap",
    animation: tl,
    toggleActions: "play pause resume pause",
    start: "top bottom",
    markers: true,


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