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Posts posted by hugokhua

  1. Hey all!


    In the codepen, there are three divs, and in the bottom div, the red panel animates in to the side when scrolled to. If you click the yellow div, it removes the div above it. My issue is that if I remove that div WITHOUT having already scrolled to the third div, and then I scroll down, it won't animate in. However, if you resize your browser, or do anything to change the width of the pen, the animation starts. Any ideas how to fix this?




    See the Pen pogaKVj by hugo-hua (@hugo-hua) on CodePen

  2. Hello! I have an issue I can't seem to figure out, hopefully someone here might know something I don't!


    In the codepen, there's a red and white section, and what I want is for the "about" to stick to the center of the screen while the right side, which currently has a lot of "hello"s, scrolls independently. My first thought was to use a scrolltrigger and simply pin it. However, this doesn't work, because I have a side navigation bar that pushes content to the right, and a pinned item would not move sideways correctly with the box. I currently have the word animating in from the side when you enter, and I want it to stay in the middle until the whole section reaches the bottom, at which time the word would follow upwards and out of view as if it was just a regular centered item. Any ideas or suggestions would be great!




    See the Pen RwrjGyJ?editors=1010 by hugo-hua (@hugo-hua) on CodePen

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