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Posts posted by scriptmunkee

  1. Hi,


    Sorry for the low level question but please could you ELI5 why the ligtning bolt blinks before it changes colour.


    Its something id obviously like to try and avoid. Just not sure what im doing wrong per se


    Thanks in advance


    edit: Looking at it on here (appears clearer for some daft reason (probably im paying more attention)) I take it the fill is coming in from 0 opacity?

    See the Pen wvGMvRG by scriptmunkee (@scriptmunkee) on CodePen

  2. Hi,

    In the simple attached code pen what im trying to achieve is:

    • pin the header so the section element moves up as opposed to the page go down
    • have the section fade in from a 0 opacity to full opacity
    • have the functionality to finish the scroll if a user only half completes it


    Where do i do this?

    T.I.A. Chris

    See the Pen VweXGYZ by scriptmunkee (@scriptmunkee) on CodePen

  3. Cheers Zack... I’ll get it going with FLIP (and pay proper attention even if im at the day job in future apologies.)


    FLIP is working great. I'm having the issue though as per the demo that the tween sequence moves straight from container 1 to container 2.


    What im looking to achieve is a tween in container1 then a flip to container2 ... how do i just add the flip on to the backend of a timeline?



  4. Thanks for pointing me in the direction of helper classes ZachSaucier I have had a look at them.


    Jack I've updated the pen to show the grid bit daft of me not to do that in the first place.


    From what i can gather (being a tween noob) there are quite a few different ways to achieve a one single outcome and ive likely been a bit vauge so apologies.


    Very simply I'm looking to animate an image (logo) on grid space 13. im fine with playing with the desired animations and producing the effects id like with that.


    What I'm asking for help with is how do i get it to move to the bottom right corner of grid space 25. I'm looking for for a dynamic response so that it works whatever the VW/VH is. so without hardcoding explicit dimensions for movement. Does that make sense?


    Thanks, Chris

  5. Hi,


    I'm brand new to tweening so i apologise if the topic has been covered already.


    You can see in the codepen that we have a 5x5 grid defined by CSS Grid.


    Is it possible to have an image/svg load in  do a load of stuff and locate itself on a specific location on the grid, ideally on grid column 5 and row 5 (bottom right hand corner).


    Specifically,I'm ok with playing and tweening the logo but how would i go about making it end up in the bottom right hand corner irrespective of viewport height and width?


    Thanks in advance



    See the Pen VweXjeV by scriptmunkee (@scriptmunkee) on CodePen

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