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Everything posted by Simeon

  1. I figured the spirit of creating a timeline is to control one group of animated elements through different positions -- with labels for each stage. If we instead make a different timeline for each stage, it seems in a way to defeat the purpose of a timeline, even if you get the right end result.
  2. Sure. I should've done this yesterday. Edited the OP to include a CodePen mockup. It's very possible I'm trying to do something the wrong way here. But if you see the labels I've setup, and the content sections. Ideally I think I'd want each `data-section-*` to scroll-scrub the timeline between the corresponding labels. So like as the 'content section 2' section scrolls into view, it should be scrubbing between label 1 and label 2. Instead the timeline is just stretched over the entire scroll distance between the start and end trigger. There's currently no way to define triggers in between. I did mockup a local demo for my project where I just set a new timeline for each `content` section, with its own dedicated `trigger`. It works but it doesn't seem right.
  3. Is it possible to bind the scrubbing between timeline labels, and the presence of elements on the page? If I have a long timeline animation, with labels for every new content section. But the content is independant of the timeline, how do you pair the two? So scrolling between content `#section1` and `#section2` should scrub between labels `section1` and `section2` on the timeline, then again for sections/labels 2-3, 3-4, etc. The only way I can think to solve this currently is to have a separate timeline for each step, with its own trigger settings.
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