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  1. Hey Jack, I am using the CDN links: - thanks! <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.3.3/gsap.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/3.3.3/ScrollToPlugin.min.js"></script>
  2. Hi folks, I am working on a project and I am getting this issue (see screenshot) but my code is like this: //I've commented this out as I was trying to solve it myself. // gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.to(".firstBoxLeft", { scrollTrigger: ".st1", y: -100, toggleClass: { targets: ".firstBoxLeft", className: "testClass" }, pin: true, start: "bottom center", toggleActions: "play complete play reset", scrub: 1, // smooth scrubbing, takes 1 second to "catch up" to the scrollbar markers: {startColor: "red", endColor: "red", fontSize: "18px", fontWeight: "bold", indent: 20}, snap: { snapTo: 'flexWrapper', duration: {min: 0.2, max: 3}, // the snap animation should be at least 0.2 seconds, but no more than 3 seconds (determined by velocity) delay: 0.2, // wait 0.2 seconds from the last scroll event before doing the snapping ease: "power1.inOut" // the ease of the snap animation ("power3" by default) } }); I've read the docs but do not get what I am doing wrong here. Thank you for the help!
  3. Hi Zach, Could I ask another question please, I looked over the docs and I wanted to know how could I add navigation to the slides like this: Thank you again and happy Sunday
  4. Hey Zach, Sorted it! Thank you again for your help. Here is the finished code if anyone needs it: https://codepen.io/DeveloperJone/details/dyGXpdZ Thank you again!
  5. Perfect, ok great I am going to have a play and see what I can do! Thank you again, I really appreciate it!
  6. Hi Zach, So that first Div is really cool but I get a scroll bar at the bottom? I also notice that on the second lot of boxes there is like an overlap too. How could I fix this? Thank you again!
  7. Hi again Zach, This is what I mean: - Please see the HTML https://codepen.io/DeveloperJone/pen/dyGXpdZ Does this make sense? Thank you massively for taking time out to answer my questions
  8. Hi Zach, This is exactly what I am looking for but a question if you do not mind, I want a landing div at the top then this the multiscroll and then a div after. How would I go about doing that? I will try and recreate what you have in codepen and send it over. Thank you! Also thank you for the warm welcome, I'm excited to learn more!!
  9. Hello everyone, I am new here and I am trying to build a webpage like this: https://alvarotrigo.com/multiScroll/#first The first div I want to be full screen then a series of 6 50%/50% width like the example. I've tried to use my sandbox here: https://codesandbox.io/s/heuristic-kapitsa-f5n40?file=/index.html Can I build something like this in GreenSock & Scroll Magic? Thank you for any help! Jones.
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