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Posts posted by NickNo

  1. Hi, I'm looking for some help on structuring gsap code for zooming in and out of a SVG (by animating viewbox). I've mocked up the behaviour I want, but I'm sure there is a much better way - using timelines? functions? In the example, if you click on one of the circles, it zooms in, then click again (or on background) to zoom back out. If you click between B&D a bit you'll notice some weirdness...


    Ideally what I want is click to zoom in, click to zoom out - if you click on another circle it zooms out from where you are before zooming into the new circle...  I hope that's clear :) and appreciate any tips!

    See the Pen WNKbWBP by nickjacobsnz (@nickjacobsnz) on CodePen

  2. Hi, I have some legend keys that animate in with a switch toggle - when I toggle them off, I want the legend to animate back out (reverse()) - but the way I have setup it up, it isn't working - can someone shed some light on why?  Also, I'm creating the timeline on each toggle of the checkbox, which I realise isn't very efficient. Is there a better way to set it up, keeping in mind the #legendid will be dynamic (on some  pages there will be 2 legends, 3 on others and they will all have different #ids)?

    See the Pen dymvBer by nickjacobsnz (@nickjacobsnz) on CodePen

  3. Actually, one question on this - how would I restrict the draggable movement to its parent?  If I use bounds:'.timeline-year' that restricts all items to the very first timeline-year box...I thought something like  'bounds: this.target.parentNode'  but that doesn't work...

  4. I'm noticing this issue in chrome where any blocks of text (or nav's etc) that have been animated are just slightly blurry - just enough that I wonder if I just need to clean my glasses :)   I don't notice it in other browsers - and I've found some old stuff in the forums relating to force3d:"auto", but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

    Is this something that others have dealt with?  Any recent updates on this issue?

    In the codepen below - a static block followed by an animated block to see the difference...



    See the Pen qBmwLOm by nickjacobsnz (@nickjacobsnz) on CodePen

  5. Hi, I've got  a page with a bunch of objects that fade in on scroll - then a bunch of galleries.  What I want to happen is to click a 'load more' and then next set of gallery items animate in. The way I've (quickly) set it up doesn't work - I'm just wondering if I'm on the right track, or do I not even use scrolltrigger, and use something else to do this?

    See the Pen GRNwvaN by nickjacobsnz (@nickjacobsnz) on CodePen

  6. Thanks Zach, and sorry for the vague-ness - part of my question was how to actually stop all (including the hint which was nested)- I ended up using 

    var root=gsap.exportRoot();

    Just for my own understanding - in that start button click - changing from my function call to your  on('click', startGlobal) stopped the double up of the animation - why is that?

  7. Hi, I'm trying to get my head around the best way to structure gsap when it comes to multiple tweens/timelines, and also controlling interactions between these and events on the page...


    This stripped down example is from a project where I've got multiple separate animations going on in an overlay window - they start when the window opens - when I close the window I want to kill all the animations. 


    My issue is just getting my head around the best way to structure it and call timeline functions from inside other functions etc...(and I do realise the problems here might just be a general noobness and lack of understanding of scope etc..)  Also, you'll see if you press start a couple of times it looks like the timeline doubles up or something - is there a way to stop any currently running animation that might be occurring on an instance of a timeline?


    So, if one of the awesome helpful and patient regular contributors could point me in the right direction....:)

    See the Pen bGERqMe?editors=0011 by nickjacobsnz (@nickjacobsnz) on CodePen

  8. This animation is part of a bigger landscape with lots of other animations going on - everything is looking fine except for this one animation on Windows (10) Firefox (77) - the train should come into the station and then leave again  - on windows FF the outward journey jumps to the left of the screen!


    I thought maybe it was something elsewhere in the svg or my code, but even stripping it down for codepen it is still happening...


    Is this a specific FF bug?  or am I doing something silly?

    See the Pen pogRydo by nickjacobsnz (@nickjacobsnz) on CodePen

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