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Posts posted by maiya-22

  1. @ZachSaucier Thank you for that information. It is good to know that you can run multiple timelines in a window at once. The comment I read was in one of the replies to a post in the forum. I can look for it. They said something about running multiple timelines at once can cause the animations to get jerky. So, I was unclear if that was just the nature of Green Sock, and wanted to make sure I was using the right tools.


    Thank you for all of the information. 🌟  I'll read it.  And if I run into any issues, I'll make a code sandbox.

  2. Hi,


    I am trying to figure out how to approach a project.


     In the project, I am going to have


    1.  a TimelineMax() timeline running an animation. This animation will be paused, started, restarted, etc.
    2. A second TimelineMax() timeline. While that first timeline is running, I want to have other timelines that target other elements.  These timelines will be triggered based on various events, so they will also be paused, started, restarted, etc.
    3. I can make it so that the elements targeted in the second timeline are not dependents of elements targeted in the first timeline and vise versa.


    I was planning to do this with Greensock, but then I read a comment that having multiple timelines running in a browser can cause glitches. Is this true? Is there a work-around?


    I will add a codesandbox to this post soon. But, since it is a general question, I wanted to see if the direction I am trying to go in is okay.


    Thank you for any pointers! 🌟

  3. Thank you for such a quick reply, and the help!  That seems to have done the trick.

    I didn't think of the fact that refs are able to be accessed after the JSX is rendered, similar to useState. That is really helpful. It's still confusing that a timeline can be stored to a class component's state, but not a state hook. (I don't get why, but oh well).



    1 hour ago, Rodrigo said:

    Finally if possible, create a live editable sample in Codesandbox or Stackblitz in order to take a better look. Also this makes debugging and helping with issues a lot faster

    I was looking for a gsap starter, to figure out how to import the TimelineMax into the codepen editor. The one I found on gsap's codepen home page isn't working, but I'll keep looking. Does anyone know of any others? 

  4. Hi,

    I am trying to store a timeline to the useState hook in react, so that I use the state variable to control the timeline. I have been able to get this to work easily with React class Components, via storing a timeline to the state, but it is not working in useState for some reason.


    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here? Thank you for any pointers!


    In my code example, onClick events on buttons are doing things that other events might do, just so it keeps it simple.


    Desired behavior:


    1. Click first button, and it stores an array of classNames to a state hook.  The JSX then uses this array to render elements (in this case it is divs).

    2. Click the second button, and it calls a function that creates a timeline. It passes the array of classNames to this function, so that they will be used in the green sock timeline.

    3. Click the third button and play the timeline.


    Actual behavior:


    Step three is not working. The timeline logs to the console, showing that it is stored to the state hook, but won't play.  If I create the timeline in the actual onClick listener of the button (and pass the classNames stored on state to it), it does work. But this solution is not good because you are not storing the timeline anywhere to control, etc.


    This code should work, if you import it with any react app that has greensock installed (and uuid for keynames, but that can be removed for testing). Also, starter pen for green sock and codepen isn't working, so if anyone knows how to easily import the TimelineMax into codepen, copy and pasting this code should work right away.


    import React, { useState } from "react";
    import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid";
    import { CSSPlugin, TimelineMax } from "gsap/all";
    const plugins = [CSSPlugin];
    const createTimeline = (elements) => {
    // add a dot to the class names
    let elementClassSelectors = elements.map((className) => `.${className}`);
    const tl = new TimelineMax({ paused: true });
    tl.to(elementClassSelectors, 2, { x: 100 });
    return tl;
    export function AnimatedComponent() {
    let [timeline, setTimeline] = useState(null);
    let [elementsToAnimate, setElementsToAnimate] = useState([]);
    return (
    <div className="component-frame">
    <div className="display-animation">
    {elementsToAnimate.map((elementClassName, i) => {
    // could use useRef here, but instead just adding classNames that can be used in green sock
    return (
    <div className={`image ${elementClassName}`} key={uuid()}>
    I am image {i}
    display: "flex",
    flexDirection: "column",
    alignItems: "flex-start",
    margin: "auto",
    These functions will actually be triggered by various events. But have
    them fired by buttons for now. */}
    onClick={(e) => {
    let elementClassNames = [
    CLICK FIRST: store new elements to state
    onClick={(e) => {
    let newTimeline = createTimeline(elementsToAnimate);
    CLICK SECOND:create timeline and store it to state (seems to be
    onClick={(e) => {
    console.log("see if the timeline is on the state:", timeline);
    CLICK THIRD: play the timeline on the state (not working)
    onClick={(e) => {
    let temporaryTimeline = createTimeline(elementsToAnimate);
    CLICK FOURTH: create timeline and don't store it to state (working,
    but not good/ need the timeline on the state)
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