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  1. noviedo's post in Smooth movement cursor image on hover element was marked as the answer   
    Hey Lounes, you can usegsap.quickTo()instead of use gsap.quickSetter() in this way you can use duration and ease for that. I leave here a fork of your pen with the changes applied. I hope that helps you!

    See the Pen ExeyQgP by nazarenooviedo (@nazarenooviedo) on CodePen
  2. noviedo's post in Adding elements dynamically, ScrollSmoother doesn't work. [ 动态添加元素,ScrollSmoother无法正常工作 ] was marked as the answer   
    Hey @Ryan Lee, how's going? I just add a ResizeObserver in your code to listen to the ".viewport" size changes. Also, I wrapped the ScrollTrigger.refresh() into a delayedCall() just to simulate a debounce function.

    const container = document.querySelector(".viewport"); const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { gsap.delayedCall(0.2, () => { ScrollTrigger.refresh(); }); }); resizeObserver.observe(container);
    I don't know in which framework you are working, but please, don't remember to clean up the resizeObserver, just to keep clean the memory.

    I hope this helps you!.

    See the Pen poLJvga by nazarenooviedo (@nazarenooviedo) on CodePen
  3. noviedo's post in FOUC not working properly was marked as the answer   
    Hey @cereal_beast, how's going?

    You are using a .from() function, so in this way, you will never get the correct autoAlpha because you are set the opacity in 0, probably you will need to use a .to() function to trigger the opacity. I did a quick fork from your pen and fixed it, just check it.
    I fixed your syntaxis regarding the duration position, and also I split the animation into two tweens, a from() function for all properties and just a to() function to the autoAlpha. With the last parameter in the to() tween ('<') we reach to execute both tweens at the same time.

    I hope helps you!

    See the Pen mdxJdad by nazarenooviedo (@nazarenooviedo) on CodePen
  4. noviedo's post in FOUC not working properly was marked as the answer   
    Hey @cereal_beast, how's going?

    You are using a .from() function, so in this way, you will never get the correct autoAlpha because you are set the opacity in 0, probably you will need to use a .to() function to trigger the opacity. I did a quick fork from your pen and fixed it, just check it.
    I fixed your syntaxis regarding the duration position, and also I split the animation into two tweens, a from() function for all properties and just a to() function to the autoAlpha. With the last parameter in the to() tween ('<') we reach to execute both tweens at the same time.

    I hope helps you!

    See the Pen mdxJdad by nazarenooviedo (@nazarenooviedo) on CodePen
  5. noviedo's post in Is there a method that can run a function after gsap.to was marked as the answer   
    Hey @nthpolygon how is going?? I leave here an example with 2 alternatives, but the onComplete should be doing the same thing.
    Using onComplete:
    const tween = gsap.from(["h1", "p"], { yPercent: 30, autoAlpha: 0, stagger: 0.1, paused: true }); gsap.to("body", {   autoAlpha: 1,   duration: 0.5,   onComplete: () => {     tween.play();   } }); Using .then():
    const tween = gsap.from(["h1", "p"], { yPercent: 30, autoAlpha: 0, stagger: 0.1, paused: true }); gsap   .to("body", {     autoAlpha: 1,     duration: 0.5   })   .then(() => {     tween.play();   });
    I leave here the Codepen:

    See the Pen mdXZMQg by nazarenooviedo (@nazarenooviedo) on CodePen

  6. noviedo's post in Skew on scroll with ScrollTrigger - but with a horizontal scroll plugin? was marked as the answer   
    Hey @andsavu, I leave here a pen with a solution for your issue, so, as you can see I did a correct bind for ScrollTrigger and Smooth-Scrollbar, if you will use just a horizontal scroll you need to do this:
    // Setup Scrollbar const scroller = document.querySelector("#scrollbar"); const bodyScrollBar = Scrollbar.init(scroller, { overscrollEffect: "bounce", alwaysShowTracks: true, delegateTo: document }); ScrollTrigger.scrollerProxy(scroller, { scrollLeft(value) { if (arguments.length) { bodyScrollBar.scrollLeft = value; } return bodyScrollBar.scrollLeft; } }); Then we need to bind the listeners and a quick default setup for ScrollTrigger to enable the horizontal scroll and setup a scroller.
    bodyScrollBar.addListener(ScrollTrigger.update); ScrollTrigger.defaults({ scroller: scroller, horizontal: true }); And also I added some stuff to improve the code, for example with this line you can be sure to avoid all time the yAxis. 

    See the Pen YzWgJWw by nazarenooviedo (@nazarenooviedo) on CodePen

    I hope to help you 🙂
  7. noviedo's post in SVG Sine Wave Timeline was marked as the answer   
    Thanks so much! you gave me a great idea, I just use a a fixed width for the viewBox and just move the inner group along x axis.
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