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Posts posted by Kommentz

  1. Sorry, now I understand why you're baffled. My app is an image editor and one of the functions is scaling up/down. You are correct, I don't know how long the duration would be so I guess this isn't a tween, per se. I'd like to scale x/y proportionately from center , until a MOUSE_UP event is fired, at which point easing would kick in and then stop the scaling process. Does that make any sense?

  2. Hi, Thanks for taking a look at this.


    I guess I'm trying to scale continuously, from center, with easing. My use case is: we have an app that lets people upload an image and scale up to whatever x/y scale they want and to shrink the image to a threshold of 20%, so the image does not vanish. They do this on a mouse_down with timer (continuously until mouseUp) and simply scaling the xscale/yscale +=.02 pixels every 100 ms. I'd like their to be easing but you can't write something like :

    TweenLite.to(_container, .4, {scale:+=.02, ease:Quad.easeOut});


    While I could write a simple tween for this, it's a big problem that my registration point is top left too because for some reason I cannot change it in the loader by offsetting the height/width because I'm doing my own resize - so it's scaling from top left. I'd love to take advantage of transform from center for this reason. I thought about using autoFit area rather than my resize code and possibly using that to scale as well. There seems to be some overlap with transformFromCenter and autofit area, no? Maybe I should just use 'scale' ? But again, not sure how to make that keep scaling on a mouse down.


    Thanks again!

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