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Posts posted by LucieB

  1. Hi @Rodrigo, 


    I have a new question related to your answer, and the example created using GSAP with Nuxt 3: If I understand correctly the example, the code is only used for page transitions. How can we create an intro for each page (that could be different for each of them)? The goal would be to add an intro to each page, not to have this animation when changing pages, but only on the first site load

    I tried to change some values on the function, but it failed every time because the animations play always. The only way I found is to add an animation inside the App.vue file (but how to know on which page we are, and call the right animation?)


    Thanks for helping…



  2. Hi everyone,


    I'm actually discovering Nuxt 3, and am trying to manage page transitions with GSAP. I'm sorry if my questions also concern Nuxt (and not only GSAP), but I hope to find answers on this forum, which brings together a community of creative people.

    On the documentation, I saw we can animate page transitions with class names and CSS.  But, I'm wondering if a transition manager like Highway exists to use GSAP with my website (e.g. onEnter, onEnterCompleted, onLeave, and onLeaveCompleted functions). My ideal goal would be to animate a page transition and to animate an intro (not the same animation). 


    I do not have a CodePen to share, but here's an illustration of what I'd like to achieve :



    When the user navigates to the About page, the square goes to position B. And when the user returns to Home, the square goes to position A.


    References of websites I saw using Nuxt and GSAP (that do not use CSS class names like on the Nuxt documentation) :





    Thanks for helping…



  3. Hey my friends!


    I'm working with React and I use GSAP for the first time with Contexts.

    Perhaps i mistaken (because of the refs and useEffects hooks?), but my timeline's working twice all the time, and I don't know why. I tried to use from, fromTo, to... And actually every time, the issue is present. I created a short CodeSandBox to illustrate my issue. Of course, for my example I don't need the use the Context, but in my real project I would. 


    Hope you guys are fine in these strange moments.

    Have a nice day!



  4. Hey. Just one last thing : to add some smooth/motion to a draggable slider, I saw we can use throwProps: true. Is it a GreenSock Premium plugin ? Or can we use it without the plugin ? I read some old topics in the forums, but actually I don't know if there's new changes about this, with the V3.


    Thanks :D

  5. Thanks guys.

    What a answer, thanks a lot Rodrigo. I was just wondering about this :

    import { Draggable } from "gsap/Draggable";

    But the code you wrote will probably help me a lot.


    Thanks again, and take care! :)

    • Like 1
  6. Hi everyone!


    Like most of you, I'm at home and I'm trying to create new things with GSAP! :D 

    My goal is to recreate a draggable slider that I saw on Nikolas Type website, with React JS (hooks).

    I've never used the Draggable of GSAP. And even if I read the documentation, I don't know how it works with React :

    Can I just import gsap like this : import { gsap } from "gsap" ? Should I write the Draggable inside the useEffect part ?


    Here's a preview of what I'd like to achieve :



    Here's a Codesandbox I made. Actually there's no interactions/animations yet:



    Thanks a lot, and take care!




  7. Hey Rodrigo, I'm sorry about the 404. I thought my link was good.

    I recreated what i want to illustrate here.


    This is not about a reverse animation. I just created two different animations, and as you can see I re-write the target for animation the element (eg. container.current.children[0]). Do you think the best method is to create a state and store inside the element I want to animate differently (to not repeat myself in writing the ref children) ?

    I let you look at my code, if you have some time.
    Thanks again for your time.
    Take care!
  8. Thanks again Rodrigo! Everything's working as I want! Thanks to you!

    I only have a last question about targeting elements, in React for GSAP animations:

    Actually I only target elements that I want to animate with useRef. No problem at all. But I'm wondering if we could create some variables to store the ref path to animate the element we want.


    I create a new CodesandBox to illustrate my question :



    I created an animation in useEffect, when the DOM's ready. But I also created an event listener on the button onClick. And to animate the title, or the subtitle, I need to rewrite the entire path from the ref ( eg. containerRef.current.children[0] ). So, my question is : Should I store the path in a state ?

    Like this :

    const [title, setTitle] = useState("");
    useEffect(() => {
    }, []);
    const myEvent = () => { gsap.to(title, { color: "red", duration: 1 }) }


    I'm sorry about all my questions. I just would like to write the cleanest code as I can.


    Thanks again, Rodrigo!

  9. Hey, I met some issues with this technique. Perhaps because my Wifi connection is not excellent... When I push my website to the prod and watch it, sometimes the timeline is animating before the document is ready. I mean the animation began before all the content is loaded, specially on mobile. Even if I use a delay for the tl. So my question is : should I create a state for the timeline to resolve this problem ? Thanks a lot again, and take care!

  10. Greetings!


    I'm trying to create properly a simple overlay for pictures onClick event. 

    I saw we can use the clipPath with GSAP, but I have some troubles : the duration is not respected for the animation. I wrote a duration of 1.5seconds and the animation is really quick! How to resolve this ? 


    Of course, I could create a simple empty div that takes the width and the height of his container as an absolute position and animate this. But I'm trying to create and animate an overlay the cleanest possible way. So, my second question is : Is the clipPath a good way to create an overlay ? 


    Thanks, and take care!

    See the Pen QWbRNRj by thisislucie (@thisislucie) on CodePen

  11. Thanks Rodrigo and Zach for the answers!


    If I understand everything you said, I need to declare all my variables inside the useEffect method.

    But for example, if I want to add an event on click and add an animation for the same elements (autoAlpha in the title), should I need to re-write the variable (inside the event function) ? I created an other codesandbox to illustrate my question (because my english is a little bit limited, I'm sorry).

    Thanks again for your time.


    Take care, Lucie :D 


  12. Hey !

    I'm experimenting with React JS, and I'm wondering what is the best method to start an animation when the DOM's ready with React JS.

    Plus, I don't know what method is the best to target elements in React JS. I need some advices : Should I use useCallback hook, or simply the States and Refs ?


    Here's an example of what I did. This is very simple and minimalist. 


    Actually, the animation works, but as I said I would like to know if my method looks good or not.

    If someone could take a look... Thanks !!


    Take care :D 



    1 hour ago, elegantseagulls said:

    Hi @LucieB


    I just had a quick glance, but it looks to me that part of the issue is that you are re-creating the timeline every time you onWheel. You may want to create a ref for your timeline, then set the timeline using useCallback, then use the onWheel to tl.current.play(); the animation.  


    Hi ! I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you mean. Can you explain ? Thanks

  14. Hey, I'm Lucie and I'm new on GSAP forums. So glad to be part of the GSAP community ! 😃


    I met a tiny problem about my onWheel animation, made with React.

    I don't know how to resolve this, so I decided to create a new topic on the forum.


    I made a Codesandbox (sorry, I don't know how to use CodePen with React).

    My problem : When I use my wheel, i just want to create an animation.

    But actually, the animation starts over and over, even if I used the isActive method.

    Here's the preview of my problem.


    Thanks guys and take care! 😃



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