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Posts posted by a2zk

  1. If I wanted to do this multiple times on one page, how would I set up the triggers?

    Right now I have two separate timelines with similar animations that I would like to trigger when I scroll to them.

    The first is working fine. But the second will not trigger even though I created new triggers.

    Is there a way for me to delay the next animation on a timeline by scroll distance? I guess I would still need separate triggers.


    Here's the pen with the relevent code.. 

    See the Pen xxGzBmQ by a2zk (@a2zk) on CodePen


  2. Thank you so much! I don't have the money to spend on a Club Membership at the moment but I do see the benefits.

    I'll edit the small svg to have the same points and then it should work out!


    Thanks again!

  3. Hello All,

    I'm new here, and to web-animations. I am attempting to morph an svg as a user scrolls through a page. I have the svg paths set up and they morph correctly on their own in 

    See the Pen yLNEJNg by a2zk (@a2zk) on CodePen

     code. (Sorry I dont know how to link external js links, so the libraries wont work...)

    But I am struggling with setting up a Tween to accomplish the morph, as the function cannot be used inside of a Tween (I have discovered).

    With some guidance on the forms I found this line: 

    new TweenMax.to("#blob1",3,{attr:{d:"M463.43,364.65c62.09,32.87,85.73,29,96,20,17.85-15.66-4.09-49,13-99,10.37-30.38,36-69.54,63-69,27.89.56,28.38,42.76,68,58,44.81,17.24,79.87-23,110-2,24.55,17.14,16.7,54.65,34,58,14.81,2.87,22.31-24.27,57-47,28.13-18.43,67.7-29.75,79-17,11.91,13.44-16.6,43.47-4,62,15.47,22.75,73.9.23,80,14,7.9,17.83-84.2,69-76,88,4.52,10.5,33.39-3.12,70,14,4.89,2.29,38.51,18.62,50,54,1.28,3.94,11.26,34.65-2,46-15.64,13.39-49.69-12.11-58-2-7.61,9.26,19.81,32,24,74,2,20.32-1,48.89-12,52-15.05,4.26-27.76-44.2-78-70-21.94-11.27-48-16.66-52-10-7.23,12.16,65.1,54.71,56,78-5.47,14-39.57,19.08-67,10-48.84-16.16-64.32-73.16-81-68-12.19,3.77-2.73,33.84-24,56-18.26,19-52.25,25-64,13-11.42-11.69,7.09-31.34-1-64-7-28.22-31.21-55.56-50-53-4.49.61-12.52,3.06-35,46-27.73,53-27,61.37-38,66-22.53,9.46-54.15-13.65-82-34-33-24.13-31.31-33.89-52-42-41.89-16.41-81.3,10.91-88,0-8.51-13.85,58.88-51.54,52-86-7.36-36.84-90.83-26.07-114-76-15.27-32.91-3.33-90,36-105C402.08,318.72,440,332.11,463.43,364.65Z"}});


    It successfully changes the svg path at the end of the trigger section, but will not animate from the smaller shape, up. Wondering if there is a better way to transition to a path inside of a Tween (I just dont know the extent of what you can do with them yet...).


    Would appreciate any insight, sorry for the lack of functionality in the links. (If anyone knows how to link external files... lemme know).

    See the Pen qBdKZMp by a2zk (@a2zk) on CodePen

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