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Posts posted by TikaL

  1. Hey @mikel, thank you for this. I'm trying to elongate a path using this approach for example. I have this initial path d value.


    M170.6 28.5l477.5-.5c0-14.9 12.1-27 27-27s27 12.1 27 27-12.1 27-27 27-27-12.1-27-27


    And at some point in my animation I need this to dynamically be updated to this:


    M68.2 28h579.9c0-14.9 12.1-27 27-27s27 12.1 27 27-12.1 27-27 27-27-12.1-27-2


    But when that tween or moments happens I get errors:


    Error: <path> attribute d: Expected move to path command ('M' or 'm'), "undefined".


    I'm in a vue app and here is a look at the function that I'm calling at a particular moment. ".pointer" is the dashed path and ".dash" is the mask I'm using to create a growing and shrinking effect. 


    animateHotspot: function() {
            const hsTL = gsap.timeline();
            let path = this.getData ? this.getData.hotspot.desktop.mark : '';
            hsTL.to('.pointer', { attr: { d: path } })
              .to('.dash', { attr: { d: path } });


    I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong here? this isn't the whole snippet but I wanted to test if dynamically swapping out the "d" value would work. 


    I was also curious how one would stop a repeating rotation on an element on click or some type of event?

  2. Hi guys,


    So what I'm trying to create is an animation where:


    1. Circle element starts the animation with a radar blip effect - DONE
    2. My dashed path with mask is supposed to animate from where the circle element is positioned to the right and creates a circle - DONE
    3. After animation is complete I'd like for the animation not reverse back but have the path from where it starts follow the path and end at the animation. I guess follow the animation? Sorry lack of a better description


    I've included a screen grab of what I have since my codepen is not animating at all? Thanks!


    See the Pen QWbpxyX by TikaL13 (@TikaL13) on CodePen

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