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Chris Heuberger

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Posts posted by Chris Heuberger

  1. Hi all,


    I have a working prototype using GSAP SplitText (displayed at the bottom of this post) which stagger-reveals a title, by changing position and opacity of each letter individually.


    What I'd like to do is mimic the text reveal animation here: http://loveforiceland.com/ which animates each line simultaneously while still stagger-revealing each letter. And the way the letters are revealed are by moving up from behind a kind of mask instead of fading in by animating the letter's opacity. This example gets close:

    See the Pen qBqMPQp by camcgreen (@camcgreen) on CodePen

    but reveals each line as a whole instead of letter-by-letter.


    Additional requirements:
     1. <a> tags be preserved in the title (as they are in my prototype)
     2. The title must be responsive which I imagine means the initial markup can't be grouped by line since line breaks will depend on screen width.


    Is this possible with GSAP?



    See the Pen PopbXRd by ChrisBup (@ChrisBup) on CodePen

  2. Thanks for the reply! When I move that snippet outside of the forEach() loop and remove the toggleActions, the issue persists (at least in Chrome and Firefox): 

    See the Pen VwpvGyZ by ChrisBup (@ChrisBup) on CodePen


    The issue being: after the three trigger panels have reached the top, continuing to scroll puts the third trigger panel back at the bottom requiring the user to scroll past it again. The attached screenshot is what I'm trying to avoid. When the red box becomes unfixed and starts to scroll, the section that "pushes it up" should be the "ensuing content" section, not the "trigger panel three" section.



    Screen Shot 2021-05-11 at 11.04.53 AM.png

  3. Hi, I'm trying to use GSAP ScrollTrigger to fade 3 fixed headers in and out sequentially with transitions that are tied to 3 trigger panels, each with scroll snapping behavior based on this demo:

    After the 3 trigger panels have been scrolled, I'd like normal scrolling to apply so that the entire header section scrolls out of view along with the ensuing content (sort of like the featured projects section here: https://katiforner.com/).


    The attached CodePen is almost there but when the content section is reached, the third trigger panel reappears for some reason and must be scrolled again before ensuing content scrolls into view. Any idea what's going on and how I can get that header section to seamlessly scroll up with the content section?



    Chris H 

    See the Pen dyvyMbd by ChrisBup (@ChrisBup) on CodePen

  4. I have four timelines, all paused, using MorsphSVG, and I have four buttons that play their respective timelines on click. The problem is that each timeline animation will only play once. Even though each button is properly registering clicks (see console log), clicking a button a second time (after clicking another button to reset the animation) doesn't re-run the animation.

    See the Pen dyPBqPd by ChrisBup (@ChrisBup) on CodePen

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