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Grandpaw Broon

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Posts posted by Grandpaw Broon

  1. Hi! 


    I have used Greensock for many years in my Flash days, it is a standard library which all projects used in some way for some amazing reason.  But Flash Decline left me reeling for a couple of years.  I am back to the awesome of greensock! 

    As a Flash Developer, I had a Stage. I had StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE applied always, and I had a scene graph.  When a resize of the Flash Player took place, it was my job to respond to the stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight in order to validate the layout. That is how I understand applications or games to be made.


    As a JavaScript Developer, I have a HTMLCanvasElement.  I chose to use PIXI which is also a scene graph. When a resize of the canvas takes place, it is my job to respond to the width and height in order to validate the layout within that Scene Graph. This uses the same concepts as being a Flash Developer.


    These 2 above things are identical in how you would program a "responsive layout". 


    As an aspiring HTML Developer, I have a HTMLDocument and this also looks like a scene graph. I have read a book on the DOM and it just seems to be made up of nodes.  I get the properties of the box model, and I kind of get document flow. 


    However, I keep fighting, on every single task with layout.  Literally every element I am writing takes me a weekend to figure out why it is appearing somewhere random on the screen! 

    How do I get my "coordinate space" back?  If I add 100 trees to the document, I want to see 100 overlapping trees in the top left of my screen.  If each tree has 100 apples, those 100 apples were positioned relative to the Tree.  Each apple has 100 worms, and each worm is relative to the Apple...... 


    How does one setup this style of development? It is like I want Absolute and Relative positioning, but there is some "Document Flow" thing going on which I am fighting against and changing the parent positions of things in an edit fest just spawns all kinds of new problems everywhere else. 

    Thanks for reading, and if you feel this topic should not be here (as its not gsap specific) feel free to remove!


  2. Ahh excellent!


    Thanks for your quick reply lads.


    I was away from the net lastnight and i also noticed you can apply negative delays.... delay:-2


    But the append offset property, or the inset method seems to be exactly what i am after so with this solved ill be able to start checking out all the features in the future!


    Thanks for cleaning this up for me. And thanks Greensock :D

  3. So i really want to join the ranks of the TweenMax crew :D


    One of the things im having trouble with is the concept of multple tweens on the same object.




    Tweener.addTween(object, {time:1, alpha:1})

    Tweener.addTween(object, {delay:0.5, time:1, x:10, y:10});



    This doesnt seem to work on TweenMax? Not the syntax, but the way i created 2 tweens on the same object with different properties and times and delays...... I used to chain these together for animated scenes and control exactly when i wanted each to fire based on delay.



    So TimelineMax i believed was my next thing to check out..... I seen it has a Stagger property, but this propery is linar.. taking 5 buttons, i might want this:


    button1 time:1 delay:1

    button2 time:1 delay:1.12

    button3 time:1 delay:1.68

    button4 time:1 delay:3

    button5 time:1 delay:7



    Right now, using TimelineMax, button5 would take (time:4 + delay:13.80) As you can see however, my maximum delay should be 7. In other words. TimelineMax plays each append one after the other, and theres no finer control?



    Does anyone have any idea what im talking about? lol


    Or like take 1 button.....


    button1, 0.5, {alpha:1} button1, 1, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, delay:0.5}


    Here i want to first fade in, and then scale up.... But the second call will override my alpha:1 Tween. Giving me a scaleX and scaleY at 1 but alpha:0

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