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Posts posted by DDINCBrent

  1. I am trying to apply tweens to several elements into an array that I am looping though. I have created 4 timelines, two entrances and two exits for two sets of items. I am getting this error on the first timeline (assuming it would apply to all four) I can't use a codepen link because I am doing this in SL for a client. But I can at least post the source code. I assume there is something simple but I am just not seeing it.


    const player = GetPlayer();
    const menuOpen = player.GetVar('boolean_menuOpen');
    const menu = document.querySelectorAll("[data-acc-text='TOC-Modal']");
    const searchFor = 'TOC-Modal-Slide';
    const accessibilityItems = document.querySelectorAll("[data-acc-text]");
    const slides = [];
    const menuReady = (bool) => { return bool; };
    const slidesReady = (bool) => { return bool; };
    const showButton = (bool) => { return bool; };
    const menuEntrance = gsap.timeline({paused: true, defaults: { duration: 0.5, scaleX: 0, scaleY:0, opacity: 0, ease:"back.inOut(1.2)" } });
    const menuExit = gsap.timeline({paused: true, defaults: { duration: 0.5, scaleX: 1, scaleY:1, opacity: 1, ease:"back.inOut(1.2)" } });
    const slidesEntrance = gsap.timeline({delay: 0.1, paused: true, defaults: { duration: 0.25, scaleX: 0, scaleY:0, opacity: 0, ease:"back.inOut(1.2)" } });
    const slidesExit = gsap.timeline({delay: 0.1, paused: true, defaults: { duration: 0.25, scaleX: 1, scaleY:1, opacity: 1, ease:"back.inOut(1.2)" } });
    menu.forEach((item) =>
    	item.style.opacity = 0;
    	item.style.transformOrigin = 'center';
    	console.log(typeof item)
    		menuExit.to(item, { onComplete: menuReady, onCompleteParams: true });
    		menuEntrance.to(item, { onComplete: menuReady, onCompleteParams: true });
    accessibilityItems.forEach((item) => { if(item.getAttribute('data-acc-text').includes(searchFor)) slides.push(item); });
    slides.sort((a,b) => { const valueA = a.getAttribute('data-acc-text').split('-')[3]; const valueB = b.getAttribute('data-acc-text').split('-')[3]; return valueA - valueB; });
    slides.forEach((slide) =>
    	slide.style.opacity = 0; 
    	console.log(typeof slide)
    		slidesExit.to(slide, { opacity: 0, onComplete: slidesReady, onCompleteParams: true });
    		player.SetVar('boolean_menuAnimationComplete', false);
    		slidesEntrance.to(slide, { opacity: 1, onComplete: slidesReady, onCompleteParams: true });
    		player.SetVar('boolean_menuAnimationComplete', true);
    if(menuReady && slidesReady)


  2. Just curious if Draggable now works with EaselJS and Canvas? I found a post from almost 7 years ago where the answer was no, but that was 7 years ago and now I know that GSAP 3 is compatible with EaselJS I even use it inside of Adobe Animate which I do a lot of programming in. But my issues is If draggable is compatible now I am not sure how I can target my movieclips. 


    		bounds: Main,
    		onClick: function()
    		onDragEnd: function()
    			console.log('Released ' + Task.name)

    Following the example on Draggable Plugin Page, what I have I think should be right. Just looking for some guidance, I love GSAP and would love to be able to use draggable as well. 

  3. I am currently working on a project- I have been using TweenJS. But I have fallen in love with versatility with GSAP. The only thing I am trying to figure out is if there is a similar function for GSAP that removes every instance of a tween like CreateJS createjs.Tween.removeAllTweens(); 


    I have found myAnimation.kill(); but from what I can tell that is a per instance usage and I am looking for more of an overall function when I go to reset that would remove all tweens.

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