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Posts posted by bat

  1. oh well

    i wanted to set a boolean to start an other animation in an other component

    maybe it was not the wrong way, but i had no idea to do in an other way


    animStart was pass in props (you can see it on my first post)

       <WayToMars tl={tl} animStart={animStart} changeState={toggleStopAnim} />

    thx for the promise in fact i dot not use it anymore :)

  2. hey, thanks !

    here you can find the same logic




    look at :

    console.log("should not restart onComplete:",animStart);

    it looks like it restart every time and so toggle animStart

    (you need to wait a bit before the function is call again ~15sec)

    and the animation does not restart


    for me the onComplete should not recall the function

    or maybe i misunderstood

  3. Hello greensockers,


    I got a little problem here.


    So the onComplete function recall every time the toggleStartAnim function, and not just once.


     So I do not understand why...  normally the cycle is finish, any idea...


    here some of my code :

    import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
    import GifFusee from "../assets/gif/fuseeQuiGalere.gif";
    import { gsap, MotionPathPlugin, TimelineMax } from "gsap/all";
    import WayToMars from "./WayToMars";
    import "../assets/stylesheets/Intro.css";
    const Intro = () => {
      let currentTimeScale;
      const [animStart, setAnimStart] = useState(false);
      // gsap.registerPlugin(MotionPathPlugin);
      const takeTime = () => {
        // currentTimeScale = gsap.globalTimeline.time();
      const tl = new TimelineMax({
        onUpdate: takeTime,
        yoyo: false,
        repeatDelay: 1
      const toggleStartAnim = () => {
        console.log("toggleStartAnim pop");
      function test2() {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
          tl.set(".intro-container", { autoAlpha: 1 })
            .set("#takeoff", {
              autoAlpha: 1
            .to("#takeoff", 5, {
              rotation: 360,
              ease: "linear"
            .set("#fuseehop", { autoAlpha: 1 })
            .set("#fuseeKiDecol", { autoAlpha: 1 })
            .to("#fuseeKiDecol", {
              y: -10,
              scaleY: -0.1,
              scaleX: -0.1,
              duration: 10,
              onComplete: () => {
              onCompleteParams: {}
      useEffect(() => {
        test2().then(() => {
          console.log("test2 done");
      useEffect(() => {
      }, []);
      return (
          {/* Debut intro */}
          <div className="intro-container">
            {/* Debut decollage fusee */}
            <div id="fuseehop" className="container-fusee">
            {/* Debut rotation terre */}
            <div className="takeoffplanet">
              <div id="takeoff" />
          <WayToMars animStart={animStart} changeState={toggleStartAnim} />
    export default Intro;


    Edit: problem solved in an other way:


    set the hooks by false like that i'm sure that even if the function is anormally call every x time,

    i'll set it by true in the child component after


    really i do not understand why onComplete repeat every time if everybody got an idea why :s

     const toggleStartAnim = () => {


  4. Hello,


    like you see i got a spaceship attach to the start of the path, well everything is fine.


    But i need to center the path element, for that i put in (CSS) comments "transform: translate(387px, 422px);"

    So the spaceship is not plug to the path anymore even if i tried to change the coordinate with transformOrigin in GSAP.


    not sure to entirely understand how it works.


    hope everything is correctly explain :)


    edit: I didn't see that we can use viewbox...

    See the Pen MWYmwKB by mrfouine (@mrfouine) on CodePen

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