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Posts posted by eomerb

  1. @elegantmouse, @ZachSaucier

    I may be close to my problem

    I changed my codePen

    when I create divs I set them to .style.display = "none" and on timeline start changed it back to block and onComplete to none again because I want Only animating div to be shown on screen.

    I don think it will be a problem but when I was trying some other thing I set them to block at creating and realize the div supposed to split to the lines is done

    can my problem be this ? 

  2. @elegantseagulls

    hello again,

    I am loading the JSON file like this:

    $.getJSON("configuration.json", function (result) {

    and I have a custom event method that I trigger when the result is processed. I create my divs and when all divs appended to body I trigger to html drom myClass that splitting is ready

    I am a beginner in DOM elements but which I dont understand is splitting chars and words is fine only lines are a problem.


  3. helllo there,

    I am working on split text animation but dont have text in divs

    they come from an array and I create divs for them and split and animate

    everything works fine but splitting lines are not working. div moving all together

    I console.log splitted lines and only got I div

    I dont know what I am doing wrong.I put a part of my code(instead of all the text I put 1 text) to codePen. dont know why but it works there.

    but sometimes it works like my local enviroment div moving all together

    See the Pen WNbXZEv by eomerb (@eomerb) on CodePen

  4. hello there,

    I am working on a timeline which has several animations


    let objArr = [] 

    let objArr2=[]

    let tl = gsap.timeline()










    I want to trigger one or different methods each these 3 completed

    onComplete method on tl triggers only when these 3 are done

    please help 


  5. hello there,

    I am working on a stagger which scales down to 1 from 1+(0.1*index of array)

    I am tryin to reverse it but I cannot use .reverse() because I am changing some values in other tweens I have to create a new timelinemax and do the reverses one by one.

    the scale is 1 and I needed to increase to 1+(0.1*index of array)

    how can I write different values to scale

    I can create another timeline and reverse this one but it will be better if I can write to different values.



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