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Posts posted by Ctrl+Shift+f5

  1. I was working on GSAP3 and I implemented a basic code from it. Im a bit confused with the delay and stagger not working with scroll magic.

    As you can see from the below codepen, where content with animation has links with stagger and image comes with delay, but in the second section with scroll magic delay and stagger are not behaving normal. As it has same effects as the normal timeline.
    The same goes with easing, its not working with scroll magic. As you can see i have to give transition for the second section for smooting.
    m I using the old scroll magic or is it the code that is wrong. Please help me out.

    Also to add up this is what if found about Scrollmagic How can I achieve it in only GSAP3

    There is some error with registering the plugin when I paste the same code apart from codepen. what is the reason.

    See the Pen xnMabZqLnqar by Wahed98666 (@Wahed98666) on CodePen

  2. 45 minutes ago, OSUblake said:

    And I wrote that SmoothScroll page script, but it is not designed to work with ScrollMagic, and I don't have the time to troubleshoot smooth scrolling issues anymore.

    Can you suggest me what should I do for the smooth scrolling of the page. Do i need to recode everything now  :_{

  3. It says scroll magic is not defined

    `jquery.min.js:2 Uncaught ReferenceError: ScrollMagic is not defined`


    Ive linked the js files as follows


        <script src="assets/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="assets/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
        <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gsap@3.0.1/dist/gsap.min.js"></script>
        <script scr="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ScrollMagic/2.0.5/ScrollMagic.min.js"></script>
        <script scr="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ScrollMagic/2.0.5/plugins/animation.gsap.js"></script>
        <script scr="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ScrollMagic/2.0.5/plugins/debug.addIndicators.min.js"></script>
  4. Hi, 

    I've been using GSAP 2 for around 2 months for now. 
    By using the knowledge I have I've created some basic animations using it.

    Now that the GSAP3 has arrived every thing looks a tini-tiny bit difficult.(but can be achieved)

    I know its new and i also know this is the only place i can get support.


    My problem is as follows,

    I have used Tweenmax and scroll magic to create a basic effect. 
    Now that Tweenmax has been merged in GSAP core I cannot use the `.setTween(t1)`.
    As we have to Specify the animation at first in the Tweenmax and call them later using setTween.

    How can I achieve it in GSAP3


    One more important thing as you can see the page scroll is smooth on the page.
    A friend of mine has given me the script to implement in the page that will make the page scroll smooth.

    Now i have lost contact with him. I wonder If someone could re code the script for me. I would be more than thankful

    Here is the codepen link for my example: 


    Thanks in advance

    See the Pen MWWBmWa by Wahed98666 (@Wahed98666) on CodePen

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