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Posts posted by KevinHa

  1. Hi Obaid,

    Thank you for the interest in this project.

    Have you had any experience with the drag and drop?

    Can you let me know your location so we can try to catch up to discuss the project in more detail.

    I'm located in Perth Western Australia.




    PS your website looks impressive

  2. We are looking for an experienced developer with skills in GSOCK drag and drop
    We require the developer to:
    Develop a drag and drop system based on:
    Drag SVG objects to a set grid 
    The drop zone grid will change as the floor plan changes 
    Clone the original Object
    Use Variables to record the position of the object.
    Allow the object to be repositioned once the object is placed on the Drop Zone.
    Allow the object to be dragged to a delete zone.
    The code must be clearly laid out so our database expert can use the variables created to build a pricing chart.
    The draggable SVG objects will change from time to time so the system must be designed so we can easily change the image – product.
    An example of our existing Design – Drag and Drop system can be found at:


    Using this system we can design and price a project on the fly. Once the design has been completed the system creates a PDF of the design with pricing. So we need a clear path for our PDP – database developer to be able to easily understand the code and variables.

    We are open to creative solutions specially to make the user interface simple and easy to use.
    We also require the developer to be available long term to make and changes and or upgrades over time.
    If your up to the challenge, please let us know

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