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Posts posted by smane

  1. I edited the pen. Hopefully, this will make what I meant more understandable. 


    My end goal is to map out the activity in an area where activity = blob mass. Locations with more activity will have bigger group of blobs. When the activity shifts from one location to another, the group of blobs will shoot out mass equal to that to the new location.(That was much harder to explain than I thought. Sorry about that.)


    2 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

    I assume you want the blob you're "shooting" to leave the larger group of blobs and go to the other larger group of blobs, yes? What do you mean "just a new destination"?

    That is correct.  Id like a blob to travel from one group to another or/and travel to an empty space to form a new group there, like the first "shot" in the pen.


    2 hours ago, ZachSaucier said:

    What do you mean "continue with the motion when it reaches its destination"? Do you mean have a velocity that is lessened instead of stopping immediately? 
    If you want it to not "teleport" back to where it started from, remove the repeat that you have. 

    As you can see in the pen, the group of blobs "wobble" when they are in their idle state. Id like the blobs that leave the group to stay in its new position and continue the wobble there. As of now, it stands still when it reaches point b for a split second before it teleports back. 

  2. Hi,

    Im trying to make a few blobs that shoots a piece of itself on to another blob to make it bigger or just a new destination. I would like the blob to continue with the motion when it reaches its destination, and not teleport back like it does now. How can I achieve that?

    Also, is there a way to set a class as the destination, so I dont have to use X and Y coordinates?


    Thank you!



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