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Posts posted by MoHDI

  1. Hi Zach, 

    Thank you for the quick reply. I found the NPM setup video very helpful. I'll try to take better notes next time this issue occurs. Basically when I changed the yarn registry to point to gsap with the yarn config. I'd have issues.

    I'm wondering if I can have multiple registry's for these files? 


    I'm feeling like directly editing the .yarnrc file as indicated on the yarn install instructions might be incorrect. When I open that file I get this message 

    So instead of editing that file, I updated the config settings for yarn as that seems to make sense. The issue occurs when changing the registry from 
    registry "https://registry.yarnpkg.com" to the GSAP one. 

    While in one instance I was able to install my gsap with token and bonus files. I was then unable to use yarn for other things after that.  


    I'm still pretty new to setting things up so. I feel like I'd be of better service to both of us if I worked on this more and was able to get better documentation of my issues. 


  2. I'm trying to have GSAP+ bonus files installed easily on projects. I've had some issues with yarn and conflicts/issue when changing the registry info. 

    Can someone please post a short video on how to set up the yarn / the yarn registry so it doesn't jam up things so much? The steps i followed on the installation page seemed to have broken other things. So I feel like I really need my hand held through this setup.  

    Also how do I avoid integrity checks failures with yarn when working on a different project? I've had some success deleting the yarn.lock file. I would like to know if there's some better way to go about this.


    Any help would be appreciated. 



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