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Posts posted by Huanyee

  1. Hi GSAP fellows,


    I'm trying to rewrite the animation below, so that it can leverage scrollTrigger.

    See the Pen wvWvNGd by eric-chuang (@eric-chuang) on CodePen


    However, how I code right now can't use the trigger '.title-bg' to select multiple elements. Instead, it plays the animation on 'chars' three times.

    const tl = gsap.timeline({
          scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: ".title-bg",
            start: "top center",
            toggleActions: "play pause replay pause",
            markers: true,
        splitText = new SplitText(".title-bg", { type: "chars" }),
        chars = splitText.chars;
      gsap.utils.toArray(".title-bg").forEach((title) => {
        tl.set(title, {
          backgroundImage: "url(" + title.dataset.background + ")"
              clipPath: "polygon( 0 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 100%, 0 100% )"
              duration: 1,
              clipPath: "polygon( 0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100% )"
              clipPath: "polygon(0 100%, 0 100%, 0 100%, 0 100%)"
              duration: 0.5,
              clipPath: "polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%)"


    I looked up the document of ScrollTrigger and found the comment in the Simple Example section: "// start the animation when ".box" enters the viewport (once)." I assume that this implies that the way I define my trigger ( '.title-bg' ) will only retrieve the first '.title-bg' element. 


    I know that it's a better way to use 'gsap.utils.toArray' when looping, but since there will be 2 loops in this situation (one for the main .title-bg element and the other for the splitted texts), how is the better way to achieve the effect?

    See the Pen KKMMvXx by eric-chuang (@eric-chuang) on CodePen

  2. As shown in the console of my Codepen, it seems that CSSRulePlugin is unavailable on sites using Google Fonts, as it will display the following error:


    DOMException: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules at Object.getRule


    Is there anyway for me to exclude the stylesheet or any other way to solve this issue?

    (I'm sorry that I can't quite reproduce this issue because Codepen seems not to allow me to include Google Fonts in the CSS)

    See the Pen bGNoWRV by eric-chuang (@eric-chuang) on CodePen

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