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Abanob Akram

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Posts posted by Abanob Akram

  1. Great, thanks so much, I'll give it a shot. On the other hand, may I ask if you were able to check the pen added ? I mean if there's a way I can move to a specific point of the slider, and TimeLineMax catch that so I don't see the jump on scroll after clicking one of the dots ?




  2. Hi @ZachSaucier


    Thanks so much for your quick response!


    Actually, I'm using ScrollMagic because I will need to have a number of other sections above and below the horizontal slider. So, I'm not sure if using the example you attached will help me to add other section so when scrolling away from the horizontal scroll slider, page scrolls normally. Could you please confirm that ?


    Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate that :)





  3. Hi folks,


    I'm a newbie with this, so I hope anybody can help. I'm trying to create a horizontal slider using TimeLineMax and ScrollMagic. Everything works pretty fine, except the navigation dots I need to use to move between the sections. Whenever a dot is clicked, a tween is added to move to its section. Now, if you tried to scroll further, it's actually starts from the last position ( not from the new one )


    Hope you guys can help!!




    See the Pen WNNpKaK by abanobakram (@abanobakram) on CodePen

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