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Posts posted by felixaburg

  1. hello Flash-Professionals out there,


    I wonder how to make an effect like the on on this website: http://robertjaso.com/


    1. I know how to load with LoaderMax

    2. I know how to set up the initial screen with all images set on the right place (so I think :-))

    3. That's the first problem: How would you set up the scroll-effect when you drag with the mouse and new pictures are appearing (maybe I'm just stuck in my "stage"-thinking) don't know how to expand this stage endless

    4. Second prob: I'm stucking in that fade in and movearound with the mouse in the thumbs.


    Would be great, if so could point me a hint for that things.


    Thanks in advance.



  2. I just saw that in Club-Package exists a dynamicProps Plugin.


    That's what I changed my functions:


    	private function moveMC(e:MouseEvent):void
    		TweenLite.to(tnContainer, 4, {dynamicProps:{y:getMouseY}});
    	private function getMouseY():Number
    		var mousePercent:Number = mouseY / stage.stageHeight;
    		var absValue:Number = mousePercent*(tnContainer.height-stage.stageHeight);
    		return absValue * -1;


    This works also like before but with the same problems.

  3. Hi there,


    I have a problem with an animation which I'm trying to do with TweenMax.


    First i'm loading a bunch of pictures in an empty MovieClip on the stage, which I'm resizing dependent from screensize.


    You can see the swf here:



    When I try to add an scrolling effectdepending from mouseposition (function moveMC) the tiles jump about 1px and I get white lines between the images.


    Animated swf: http://www.nocommerce.de/flash-test/s2.swf


    Here's my code


    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;
    import com.greensock.loading.*;
    import com.greensock.loading.display.*;
    import com.greensock.plugins.*;
    //import com.mobinex.scouts.Loaders;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.events.*;
    import flash.text.*;
    import com.greensock.loading.data.ImageLoaderVars;
    public class s2 extends Sprite
    	public function s2()
    		// constructor code
    		stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    		stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    		stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resize);
    		tnContainer.alpha = 0;
    	private function init()
    		var _xmlLoader:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("data.xml",{onComplete:loadThumbs});
    	private function progressHandler(event:Event)
    		preloader.scaleX = event.target.progress;
    	private function completeHandler(event:Event)
    		TweenLite.to(preloader, 0.5, {scaleX:0 });
    		TweenLite.to(tnContainer, 0.5, {alpha: 1});
    		trace('loading complete');
    	private function loadThumbs(event:Event)
    		var xData = event.target.content;
    		var customerList:XMLList = xData.customer;
    		var thumbLoader:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"thumbloader",onProgress:progressHandler,onComplete:completeHandler});
    		//Setting up grid
    		var nums:Number = stage.stageWidth / 230;///4,441
    		var columns:Number = Math.round(nums);//4
    		var rows:Number = Math.ceil(customerList.length() / columns);
    		var gridSize:Number = stage.stageWidth / columns;
    		gridSize = Math.ceil(gridSize);
    		var x_counter:Number = 0;
    		var y_counter:Number = 0;
    		var ix:Number = 0;
    		var iy:Number = 0;
    		for (var i:int = 0; i < customerList.length(); i++)
    			//Positioning Thumbnails
    			ix = gridSize * x_counter;
    			iy = gridSize * y_counter;
    			var mc_holder:MovieClip = new MovieClip;
    			mc_holder.x = ix;
    			mc_holder.y = iy;
    			var imgLoad:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader(customerList[i].thumb.Image.@url, new ImageLoaderVars()
    			TweenMax.to(imgLoad.content, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{saturation:0}, alpha:0.5});
    			createWhitebox(mc_holder, customerList[i]. @ id, gridSize, customerList[i]. @ name, customerList[i]. @ subline)
    			mc_holder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onOver);
    			mc_holder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onOut);
    			//mc_holder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadDetail);
    			mc_holder.buttonMode = true;
    			//Set Coordinates
    			if (x_counter + 1 < columns)
    				x_counter = 0;
    	private function createWhitebox(holder, idw, size, hl, sl)
    		var newWhitebox:whitebox = new whitebox();
    		holder.id = idw;
    		newWhitebox.x = 0;
    		newWhitebox.y = 0;
    		newWhitebox.width = size;
    		newWhitebox.height = size;
    		newWhitebox.alpha = 0;
    		newWhitebox.text1.text = hl;
    		newWhitebox.text2.text = sl;
    	private function onOver(event:Event)
    		TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget.getChildAt(0), 0.8, {colorMatrixFilter:{saturation:1},alpha:1, overwrite:1});
    		TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget.getChildAt(1), 0.8, {delay:0.5, alpha:0.8, overwrite:1});
    	private function onOut(event:Event)
    		TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget.getChildAt(1), 0.8, { alpha:0, overwrite:1});
    		TweenLite.to(event.currentTarget.getChildAt(0), 0.8, {delay:0.2,colorMatrixFilter:{saturation:0},alpha:0.5, overwrite:1});
    	private function beginDrag():void
    	private function moveMC(e:MouseEvent):void
    		var mousePercent:Number = mouseY / stage.stageHeight;
    		var absValue:Number = mousePercent*(tnContainer.height-stage.stageHeight);
    		if (tnContainer.height > stage.stageHeight)
    	// Resize Window;
    	private function resize(event:Event):void
    		preloader.scaleX = 0;


    I tried now for 3 days to point out a solution.


    What I tried:

    - Added the images directly via "container" in Loadermax

    - Disabled the colortransform

    - Math.ceil(gridSize)

    and some more which all led to no better performance


    I would appreciate if someone can give me a hint to fix this.


    Thanks in advance


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