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Posts posted by Dovisally

  1. @GSAP Helper Thank you so much for your answer I appreciate that

    I have followed the useGSAP hook tutorial and I think I have implemented it correctly

    how ever Still with no luck getting the same result, when I scroll I can see that the text and the image move little it but the image does not scale at all


    'use client'
    import gsap from "gsap";
    import { useGSAP } from "@gsap/react";
    import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger";
    import { Flip } from "gsap/dist/Flip";
    import { useRef } from "react";
    import styles from "./page.module.css";
    gsap.registerPlugin(useGSAP, ScrollTrigger, Flip);
    export default function Home() {
      const container = useRef(null)
      useGSAP(() => {
        const flipstate = Flip.getState(['.type__expand-img', '.anim'], {
          props: 'transform'
        Flip.to(flipstate, {
          ease: 'sine.inOut',
          simple: true,
          scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: container.current,
            start: 'center bottom',
            end: 'center top',
            scrub: true,
      }, {scope: container})
      return (
          <div className={styles.box}></div>
          <div className="content content--center">
            <h3 className="meta">Project 2</h3>
            <h2 className="type" ref={container}>
              Life's a wild journey;<br />
              embrace the<br />
              <span className="type__expand type__expand--reveal type__expand--center">
                <span className="aright">detours </span>
                <span className="type__expand-img">
                  <span className="type__expand-img-inner" style={{backgroundImage: "url('/2.jpg')"}}></span>            </span>
                <span className="anim skewed">and dance</span>
              <br />
              under the stars.


  2. Hello there I'm trying to use the Flip plugin to first add a class to an element and then  capture the state and then remove that class, my code with react in codepen works totally fine but when i add the same code wth my nextjs project it does not work


    + the styles are loading correctly and the image


    'use client'
    import gsap from "gsap";
    import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger";
    import { Flip } from "gsap/dist/Flip";
    import { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
    import styles from "./page.module.css";
    gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, Flip)
    export default function Home() {
      const wrapElRef = useRef(null)
      const imgRef = useRef(null)
      const textRef = useRef(null)
      useEffect(() => {
        const wrapEl = wrapElRef.current
        const image = imgRef.current
        const text = textRef.current
        const flipstate = Flip.getState([image, text], {
          props: 'transform'
        Flip.to(flipstate, {
          ease: 'sine.inOut',
          simple: true,
          scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: wrapEl,
            start: 'center bottom',
    			  end: 'center top',
            scrub: true,
      return (
        <main className={styles.main}>
          <div className={styles.box}></div>
          <div className="content content--center">
            <h3 className="meta">Project 2</h3>
            <h2 className="type" data-expand-2 ref={wrapElRef}>
              Life's a wild journey;<br />
              embrace the<br />
              <span className="type__expand type__expand--reveal type__expand--center">
                <span className="aright">detours </span>
                <span className="type__expand-img" ref={imgRef}>
                  <span className="type__expand-img-inner" style={{backgroundImage: "url('/2.jpg')"}}></span>            </span>
                <span className="anim skewed" ref={textRef}>and dance</span>
              <br />
              under the stars.


    See the Pen ZENBRja by dovisally (@dovisally) on CodePen

  3. Hello there,

    i do apologize for such a basic simple question

    i want to know how to organize my gsap code i have 1 example and i want to see how you guy organize that so i will follow the same approach with rest of my code, i do not have any issue with the code i just want to see how do you professionally organize it on for production


    const tl = gsap.timeline({paused: true});
        tl.to('#overlay', {
        	opacity: 1
        tl.to('#menu', {
        	x: 0,
        	y: 0,
        	z: 0,
        	ease: 'Expo.easeInOut',
        	delay: -1.2,
        	duration: 2
       	tl.to('.menu__line', {
        	x: 0,
        	y: 0,
        	z: 0,
        	delay: -1,
        	duration: 1.5,
        	stagger: 0.1,
        tl.to('.menu__item__content', {
        	x: 0,
        	y: 0,
        	z: 0,
        	stagger: 0.1,
        	delay: -1.5,
        tl.to('.menu__footer__item', {
        	opacity: 1,
        	stagger: 0.1,
        	delay: -1
        document.querySelectorAll('.nav__burger').forEach(btn => {
    	    btn.addEventListener('click', e => {


  4. On 6/8/2020 at 11:51 PM, TrulyNewbie said:

    Hi, I've applied this smooth scroll to my site, but it cuts the footer off. Why might this be?


    Thank you


    I have also noticed the same problem if content is long enough there is a cut at the end,

    I've been trying to fix it for couple of hours but not enough experience would be nice if someone can help


    See the Pen VwaeZvp by dovisally (@dovisally) on CodePen

  5. Hello there,


    i made a quick demo on code pen, what i want to do is i have blocks over almost the majority of the text on my website

    these blocks has the same class so i want to animate this class on scroll with a stagger, stagger should work only for the visible elements

    and so on.. i hope you get the idea is it possible ?


    also i notice the animation is happening for all blocks not on scroll how to fix that ?

    See the Pen RwrXLLr by dovisally (@dovisally) on CodePen

  6. Thank you so much Mikel ❤️

    one more question if you don't mind, i can't get it to work with intersection observer

    just wanted to know what i'm doing wrong ? i'm not getting any errors in the console so i assume it's not a typo

    const targets = document.querySelectorAll('.block');
    const blockReveal = target => {
      const io = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
        entries.forEach(entry => {
            if(entry.isIntersecting) {
                const block = entry.target;
                gsap.to(block, { scaleX: 0, ease: Power4.easeIn, stagger: 0.1,}, 0.1);


  7. Hello,

    I have a block over a text and i want to reveal the text and make the width of the block zero

    as far as i know it is bad for performance to animate width,

    and since i'm gonna use this animation quite a lot i'm worried to animate width


    so is there is any better solution for my little problem ?

    also can i change the animation direction from right > left to left > right ?

    See the Pen LYpmKJb by dovisally (@dovisally) on CodePen

  8. Hello there,

    almost 2 years now have not find an answer for this question

    so frustrated already, i'm trying to achieve smooth page scrolling like this website for example




    after a long search i found this 

    but as far as i see that the author closed it and does not recommend to use it

    my question is, it is any how reasonable and stable to use the code from the page above ?

    since i don't really have any other options, i do not want to use a jQuery plugin


    i'm tired of searching and not finding anything related to that scrolling smooth experience 

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