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Posts posted by CedGrvl

  1. Hello,
    I'm trying to animate hexagons on a cnavas. I have no problem to implement an svg animation because it's purely css animation but I have no idea how to do it with the canvas.
    I manage to animate all the hexagons at the same time but I can't create a delay between each "ring" of the hexagon grid like on svg.
    I don't know if gsap can help for that?



    I aim to animate this canvas as soon as there's a url change. 
    the hexagons scale down to 0, change color and scale up to 1 for example

    See the Pen Grid.ts:2181-2651 by s (@s) on CodePen

  2. Thank you very much Zach for your feedback.


    Here the problem is when I rezise the page, config are well modified, I checked, but the timeline remains the same 


    I mean if I'm on desktop and I switch to tablet without refresh, I still have the desktop timeline


    I'm trying to figure it out.

  3. I will try to explain my case as simply as possible, but I don't think it's that complex.


    I have a one page website with several sections.


    Each section ( all of them) has elements to animate.


    To access each section, everything is done at the click of a button (pagination, menu, button...)

    So I try to start the animations when the section is on the screen

    I use a timeline well because it has several elements that come to life in a row.

    Then these animations are not the same, depending on the size of the screen (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop for example)


    I mean, for example, a logo:


    • Desktop: from left to right
    • Tablet: top to bottom
    • Mobile: bottom to top



    For more precision, in each section, some elements are animated in an infinite way.

    So I should also be able to stop these animations when they are no longer on the screen and restart the animation when they are again on the screen

    The logos in each section are not the same, I put a square in my example but it is not the case.

    So the animations depend on the size of the screen and the position of the page


    This is my codepen  





    I managed to get this result, thanks in part to Zach's help.

    I didn't put the infinite animations to show where I am.
    But for example, it could have been this square that turns infinitely once in place


    Thx Guys



    See the Pen QWWmmqJ by CedGrvl (@CedGrvl) on CodePen

  4. Oh Great Is it possible to understand what I did wrong ?


    See the Pen NWWYoEv by CedGrvl (@CedGrvl) on CodePen


    I found this solution here  https://css-tricks.com/ajaxing-svg-sprite/  after I saw one of your posts, I think Blake.


    So if I understand correctly, you're using a window object?

    and there are two ways to inject?
    innerHTML or insertAdjacentHTML ?


    First time I see the inverted quote very useful


    Feel so far from being confortable with js



  5. Hello

    I did two codepens, the first one trying to use the track you gave me but I have to miss something.

    I tried to be more specific about how the site works.

    I got a result on the second codepen but the animations when they are on screen, have an infinite animation (up to off screen)

    I tried to pause the offscreen sections but without any result

    I looked at overwrite and clearProps but I don't know how to implement them properly


    See the Pen LYYdePj?editors=1010 by CedGrvl (@CedGrvl) on CodePen


    See the Pen QWWmmqJ by CedGrvl (@CedGrvl) on CodePen


    Thx Again


  6. I have a site with several svg icons and svg logo that I have to animate.

    For a better readability, I use a sprite system on an external file.

    I use XMLHttpRequests to load sprites at the beginning of the request.


     function getSprites(url){
        var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
            ajax.open("GET", url, true);
            ajax.onload = function() {
                var div = document.createElement("div");
                div.innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
                document.body.insertBefore(div, document.body.childNodes[0]);

    as soon as I use queryselector to select an element and animate it, this one is undefined

    for example


     let shapeLogoRoadmap = document.querySelector('.js-shape-roadmap-logo').childNodes;

    and here an example of svg symbol from sprite


    <symbol id="roadmap-small-logo" viewBox="0 0 250 250">
      <g class="js-shape-roadmap-logo">
        <path fill="#93718d" style="fill: var(--first-color, #93718d)" filter="url(#AI_Shadow_2)" d="M219.4366,111.5074l-80.944-80.944a19.1431,19.1431,0,0,0-26.9852,0l-80.944,80.944a19.1431,19.1431,0,0,0,0,26.9852l80.944,80.944a19.1431,19.1431,0,0,0,26.9852,0l80.944-80.944A19.1431,19.1431,0,0,0,219.4366,111.5074ZM200.5485,135.791,135.791,200.5485a15.3013,15.3013,0,0,1-21.582,0L49.4515,135.791a15.3013,15.3013,0,0,1,0-21.582L114.209,49.4515a15.3013,15.3013,0,0,1,21.582,0l64.7575,64.7575A15.3013,15.3013,0,0,1,200.5485,135.791Z"/>
        <path fill="#977792" style="fill: var(--second-color, #977792)" filter="url(#AI_Shadow_2)" d="M201.15,114.1231,135.8769,48.85a15.4233,15.4233,0,0,0-21.7538,0L48.85,114.1231a15.4233,15.4233,0,0,0,0,21.7538L114.1231,201.15a15.4233,15.4233,0,0,0,21.7538,0L201.15,135.8769A15.4233,15.4233,0,0,0,201.15,114.1231Zm-15.2308,19.5807-52.2154,52.2154a12.3428,12.3428,0,0,1-17.4077,0L64.0808,133.7038a12.3428,12.3428,0,0,1,0-17.4077l52.2153-52.2153a12.3428,12.3428,0,0,1,17.4077,0l52.2154,52.2153A12.3428,12.3428,0,0,1,185.9192,133.7038Z"/>
        <path fill="#9c7d96" style="fill: var(--third-color, #9c7d96)" filter="url(#AI_Shadow_2)" d="M185.9192,116.2961,133.7038,64.0808a12.3428,12.3428,0,0,0-17.4077,0L64.0808,116.2961a12.3428,12.3428,0,0,0,0,17.4077l52.2153,52.2154a12.3428,12.3428,0,0,0,17.4077,0l52.2154-52.2154A12.3428,12.3428,0,0,0,185.9192,116.2961Zm-12.1846,15.6654-41.7731,41.7731a9.87,9.87,0,0,1-13.923,0L76.2654,131.9615a9.87,9.87,0,0,1,0-13.923l41.7731-41.7731a9.87,9.87,0,0,1,13.923,0l41.7731,41.7731A9.87,9.87,0,0,1,173.7346,131.9615Z"/>
        <path fill="#a0829b" style="fill: var(--fourth-color, #a0829b)" filter="url(#AI_Shadow_2)" d="M173.7346,118.0385,131.9615,76.2654a9.87,9.87,0,0,0-13.923,0L76.2654,118.0385a9.87,9.87,0,0,0,0,13.923l41.7731,41.7731a9.87,9.87,0,0,0,13.923,0l41.7731-41.7731A9.87,9.87,0,0,0,173.7346,118.0385Zm-9.7461,12.5307-33.4193,33.4193a7.8951,7.8951,0,0,1-11.1384,0L86.0115,130.5692a7.8951,7.8951,0,0,1,0-11.1384l33.4193-33.4193a7.8949,7.8949,0,0,1,11.1384,0l33.4193,33.4193A7.8951,7.8951,0,0,1,163.9885,130.5692Z"/>
        <path fill="#a98ea4" style="fill: var(--fifth-color, #a98ea4)" filter="url(#AI_Shadow_2)" d="M163.9885,130.5692l-33.4193,33.4193a7.8951,7.8951,0,0,1-11.1384,0L86.0115,130.5692a7.8951,7.8951,0,0,1,0-11.1384l33.4193-33.4193a7.8949,7.8949,0,0,1,11.1384,0l33.4193,33.4193A7.8951,7.8951,0,0,1,163.9885,130.5692Z"/>

    tried setinterval on animation but without success

    In this situation, I want to have access to each path because I animate them one after the other.

    Should I give them the same class name? or?

    svg are as clear as possible, but I prefer to avoid inline svg but if there is no other better solution....

    I need to have access to each path of the svg


    I read that you can have problems with childnodes in this kind of situation?

    If I understood correctly from the moment I want to access the "nodes" I have a problem with the shadow DOM?


    To summarize, I would like to be able to manage each path of my svg, keeping a good organization.


    I asked this question also on stack owerflow

    Sorry about the copy/past


    Thx Guys !

  7. Hello,

    I have a simple question to ask and if you could enlighten me that would be cool.

    I have a web page with several sections, each section has different logos and texts

    These logos and texts are animated as soon as the section is visible.

    The animation is different depending on the size of the screen and of course on the section.

    My question is not necessarily about how to animate with GSAP but rather how to specify these "states".

    Let me explain.



    Which of these two models is better? in terms of performance? code organization? logic?


    function animeAllELement(){
        const mql = window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 992px)');
        const mql2 = window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 991px)');
        let pages = document.getElementsByClassName('js-page'); // Store all sections
        for (let i=0; i<pages.length; i++){
            let positionPages = pages[i].getBoundingClientRect().top;
            let hrefPages = pages[i].dataset.href;
            if(positionPages === 0 && hrefPages === "#home" && mql.matches){
                let tl = new TimelineMax();
                // ...
                // break ?
            if(positionPages === 0 && hrefPages === "#other"){
                let tl = new TimelineMax();
                // ...
                // break ?
            // ect ect
    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => requestAnimationFrame(animeAllELement));


    Or maybe


    function animeAllELement(){
        const mql = window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 992px)');
        const mql2 = window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 991px)');
        function element1(){
                let tl = new TimelineMax();
                // ...
                return tl;
                let tl = new TimelineMax();
                // ...
                return tl;
        function element2(){
                let tl = new TimelineMax();
                // ...
                return tl;
                let tl = new TimelineMax();
                // ...
                return tl;
        let pages = document.getElementsByClassName('js-page'); // Store all sections
        for (let i=0; i<pages.length; i++){
            let positionPages = pages[i].getBoundingClientRect().top;
            let hrefPages = pages[i].dataset.href;
            if(positionPages === 0 && hrefPages === "#home"){
                let masterTimeline = new TimelineMax();
                // break ?
            if(positionPages === 0 && hrefPages === "#other"){
                let masterTimeline = new TimelineMax();
                // break ?
    window.addEventListener('scroll', () => requestAnimationFrame(animeAllELement));



    Maybe I'm getting lost.

    Thank you for your time.

  8. Hi There !


    I have an animation on a menu. There is no problem to start the animation via the burger button and close it with the cross button
    In this menu, I obviously have links to sections of the page.

    I would have liked the animation to reverse and I could add one or two tween for opacity or something else.

    I can also install a set timeout after the reverse of the animation on the menu links but I think there is another solution.

    Could you help me?

    Sorry I'm learning as much js as gsap, I guess
    Thanks You



    function displayMenu(){
        let socialMenu = document.querySelectorAll('.js-socialMenu li');
        let animateMenu = new TimelineMax({paused: true});
        animateMenu.to("#js-burger", 0.5, {opacity: 0})
                    .to(".js-page", 0.5, {opacity: 0})
                    .to(".js-menu", 0.5, {x:0})
                    .fromTo(".js-nav", 0.5, {x : "-50vw"}, {x: 0})
                    .staggerFromTo(".c-menu__item", 0.1, {x: "-30vw"}, {x: 0}, 0.2)
                    .fromTo(".js-logoGrvl", 0.5, {x : "-50vw", opacity: 0}, {x: 0, opacity:1})
                    .staggerFromTo(".js-iconMenu", 0.5, {x:-200, opacity: 0}, {x: 0,opacity: 1, rotation: "360"}, 0.2)
                    .staggerFromTo(socialMenu, 0.5, {y: 60, opacity:0}, {y: 0, opacity: 1}, 0.2)
        // Store burger button menu
        let burger = document.getElementById("js-burger");
        burger.addEventListener('click', function(){
        // Store cross button
        let cross = document.getElementById('js-cross');
        cross.addEventListener('click', function(){
         //Store  Links
         let menuLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("js-menuLinks");
         for (let i = 0; i< menuLinks.length; i++){
            let location = menuLinks[i].name;
             menuLinks[i].addEventListener('click', function(){
                .call(function() {
                    window.location = location;


  9. Hey there !


    I have one question, is there an other way to morph svg without plugin.


    I will take GreenSock Club membership but not now.


    I just need a light on my way.


    Can I combine anime.js with GSAP ? or snapsvg ?


    Thanks !!

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