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Ahmed Elyamani

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Posts posted by Ahmed Elyamani

  1. Quote

    What exactly is your goal here? Are you trying to have a bunch of keyframes and only have the ones toward the very end go past their destination values? Please explain in more detail - you may need to get creative about how to approach this. 

    Yes, in my project it may be the case that I have a timeline consisting of multiple tweens that define keyframe-based animations of a single target. I want to be able to apply easing functions on entire portions of that timeline (ie. independent tweens).


    you may need to get creative about how to approach this

    I will try to see how it looks if I tween to the last keyframe using "back" easing.

  2. Thank you for the reply and for welcoming me to the forums!
    I've tried that, but I don't think it's possible to get "back" easing by doing this, is it?


    If you really need to ease the entire set of keyframes with a different ease (across the entirety), you can just pause() it and animate the playhead with another tween. 


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