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Posts posted by Donatello666

  1. Yes,


    i thought about this fictive scenario:


    we have a licence for 2 years and are selling our product. The third year we have no active licence and are not selling our product anymore (not what is going to happen - hope so). In the 4th year we can sell our product again, but before doing so we got to renew the licence.


    or in short: as long as we are selling our product, we need an active licence.



  2. Hi Zach,


    thank for the quick replay ?. So far so good. One last question: we just have at least an eye on the active licence to sell our product. With no active licence, we are not allowed to sell our product any more till we renew the licence. Is this right?



    Best regards



  3. Hi Greensock Team,


    My team is about to program an own product our customers will be charged for. We also want to include GSAP in this product. So how is it about the licence-model? Do we need a seperate licence for each customer?


    THX for your help


    Christoph Santo

  4. Hi mikel,


    thanks for your solution. I already thought about that. The only point why i would not like to use this is:


    each of my DIVs has the values stored inside. To use your approach i first have to iterate through the DIVs and fill the array and then tween them and i would like to do this without this extra step. 


    I thought: "OK, if GSAP iterates through my DIVs to tween them, i could get the tween values in the same step".


    But I will give it a try, its the best way so... THX a lot! ?

    • Like 1
  5. Hi,


    i have an array of html-object i want to tween. 


    e.g: array = $('.test'); 


    <div class="test"></div>

    <div class="test"></div>

    <div class="test"></div>


    each object has values for tweening:


    e.g. $('.test')[0]._newPosition.x;


    Now  I want to stagger them and get the tween-values from itself like:


    TweenMax.staggerTo( $('.test'), 1, { x: {currentTween}.target._newsPosition.x, y: {currentTween}.target._newsPosition.y }, .02);  


    Is this possible and if how?



  6. Thanks a lot OSUblake,


    im really relieved now...

    ... and even know how "autoscroll" works ;)


    may i ask you answering me one more question?:


    you mentioned in this topic:

    if you want to change the grid (e.g.: columns, rows) , it is better to get the position of all items in the grid, then apply the new layout  (css-properties) to the grid-container and finally move (tween) all items from their original position to their new position.


    i played with tweening the css-property directly like:


    TweenMax.to( gridContainer, timeE, { css:{ gridTemplateRows: '2fr 6fr', '-ms-grid-rows' : '2fr 6fr' }, ease: 'normal' } );  //ease: 'normal' is my custom ease...


    is this way a bad idea?


  7. Hi,


    i´m getting a "layoutout-crash" if i try to apply  "draggable" to en elment which is styled/position using the css grid property. Everything works fine by dragging (outside top,left, bottom) till i drag the element to the right ouside of my grid-container. When i grap it again -> layout-crash


    Am i doing something the wrong way?


    Here is a codePen:

    See the Pen vWxNGR by Michelangelo666 (@Michelangelo666) on CodePen


  8. hi,


    my pov was simple: OK this div has no shadow, when i hover it, it get's an shadow of ..., on hover out i want go back (animated via Greensock) to no shadow.

    I don't know the engine of Greensock (btw: i love greensock), but i thought greensock sees 'border:none' == 'border:0px' or similar.


    sorry, perhaps my english is not that good to explain it more detailed...


  9. Dear Dipscom,


    Thank you a lot for answer. My original code is almost like yours (except 'staggerTo' and 'cycle'), i decided to deminify it and add a few things for this topic ;).

    I love Greensock, and the past few years I did lot of cool stuff but what was new to me is the "cycle"-property, nerver used it before.


    Changing the line-length was my first solution, but i want to be more flexible (and wanted to learn the usage of drawSVG), so i tried to change the length via drawSVG (-> 20% 80%).  I copied your code to my codepen (hope it`s ok?!) and changed

    overlaySchliessenTL.from to 
    overlaySchliessenTL.fromTo...{drawSVG: '20% 80%'}

    and the strange thing occurs again (still Safari only). Do you have any idea why this happens?


    BTW: I always used the jQuery way for my objects: var myObject = $('#myobject'). Does GSAP runs faster by using var myObject = '#myObject'?

  10. Hi,


    i got a strange problem:

    I want to animate the following SVG:


    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="512" height="512" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
      <path id="cross" d="M405 136.798L375.202 107 256 226.202 136.798 107 107 136.798 226.202 256 107 375.202 136.798 405 256 285.798 375.202 405 405 375.202 285.798 256"/>


    TweenMax.to( $('#cross') , 1, { drawSVG:"0%" } );


    I see in the DOM-Tree GSAP is changing values, but without any visual changes.


    What am I doing wrong?

  11. HI Jonathan,


    i tried to set the transformOrigin, even onClick ( updated codepen ). It still doesn't work.If the panel is not on its origin position, the perspective's origin seems to be 0,0.



    See the Pen BZKeZE by Michelangelo666 (@Michelangelo666) on CodePen

    click the button to start the animation, then drag the panel to the right and start the animation again, the perspective is not like at its origin position.

    I really don't know what i'm doing wrong... :(


    ... tried this, with no success:

    TweenMax.set(".panel", {transformOrigin:"50% 50%"});
  12. Hi Jonathan,


    1. Sorry for my bad englisch

    2. big THX for you reply


    It is the transform perspective. I globally set "CSSPlugin.defaultTransformPerspective = 800;". the ohter stuff is ok, ther is no conflict. I've updated my Codpen. So what i want is, that the panels perspective is like if it is in the top left corner of the red container, no matter at which position it is. If you drag the panel to the very right, its perspective is strange (?) 


    whats wrong with my way of thinking... ;) ?!


    See the Pen BZKeZE by Michelangelo666 (@Michelangelo666) on CodePen

  13. Here is a short movie-clip where you can see my problem.


    I'm tweening the panel with "TweenMax.from( panel, 3, { rotationX: -60 } )". As soon as i dragged it to another position or set the position with TweenMax.set( panel, { x: ..., y: ... } ),   it is stretched or what i think, the origin for tweening is still top left...



  14. i made a codepen-demo.

    See the Pen BZKeZE by Michelangelo666 (@Michelangelo666) on CodePen

    can´t believe it. It works like i want it to, but not in my project.


    in short: the tranformOrigin / transformerPerspective seems to be ever 0,0 (in the upper left corner ) of the parent. cant change it.


    I`ll make a short clip to show my problem live in action, because it is too much code to extract it to a codepen-demo.

  15. Hi,


    i have this problem:


    on pageload i am positioning  a few containers on specific coordinates (x, y). Now i want to show them up by fading in and by moving from e.g. y: -10. But, because I positioned the elements with TweenMax.set(), the origin is 0,0 (top left corner). Can I set the origin for tweening to the position i gave them per TWeenMax.set() ?



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