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Posts posted by greg_mich

  1. watch:{
    Value: function(){
    TweenMax.to(this.$refs.dial, 2, {rotation: this.RotateNumber(), transformOrigin:"50% 100%"});
    ValueOther: function(){
    //TweenMax.to(this.$refs.rightArrow, 2, {x: this.MoveNumberOther(), transformOrigin:"50% 100%"});
    TweenMax.to(this.$refs.dial, 2, {rotation: this.RotateNumber(), transformOrigin:"50% 100%"});
    mounted: function(){
    // TweenMax.set(this.$refs.middleArrow, {transformOrigin:"middle bottom"})
    // Draggable.create(this.$refs.middleArrow, {type: "rotation", throwProps: true, transformOrigin:"50% 50%"});
    //TweenMax.to(this.$refs.middleArrow, 2, {x: this.MoveNumber(), transformOrigin:"50% 100%"});
    //TweenMax.to(this.$refs.rightArrow, 2, {x: this.MoveNumberOther(), transformOrigin:"50% 100%"});
    TweenMax.to(this.$refs.dial, 2, {rotation: this.RotateNumber(), transformOrigin:"50% 100%"});


    <polygon ref="dial" fill="black" points="430,350 430,175 410,175 435,115 460,175 440,175 440,350" :stroke="ArrowColorOther" style="stroke-width:5" />


    I have this polygon that I am rotating when a page is mounted in Vue or when two different values change. If I navigate to the page before the values load the polygon is positioned where it should be. However, if I wait for the values to load and THEN navigate to the page the polygon has moved to the lower left of the svg it is in. I am wondering if there is an issue with rotating an object if it is not actually on the current screen.


    Thanks for any help!

  2. I found that transformOrigin helped my case. Do you know how I can transform from just the top and not from the left? This code now transforms from top left, how do I get it to transform from just the top?


    TweenMax.to(this.$refs.keyboardContainer, 0.35, {scale:this.zoomRatio, force3D:false, transformOrigin:"0 0"});


    Thanks for all your help!

  3. Currently I have a div that I am using TweenMax.to(this.$refs.keyboardContainer, 0, {scale:this.zoomRatio, force3D:false}); to resize the div. After I have resized it I change some of the contents inside the div that cause the height of the div to change, and when it does this it moves the Y location of the div. I am wondering how I can get the div that has been rescaled to stay in the same Y location even if it has changed in pixel height.



  4. I am using draggable on a custom keyboard. The issue I run into is when you accidentally drag on the keys the keyboard drags and the key press is not fired. My question is, is there a way to only drag a component from the background? And not allow drag on inner elements?

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