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Posts posted by Ikai

  1. @Dipscom Thanks for your input, i also had some suspicions about the relative/absolute positioning of the boxes. if i understand it correctly,  Is there anyway i can achieve this absolute positioning of the boxes, within my fluid grid-template-areas layout to achieve this? 

    And also i believe there is a isActive() method i can use to determine if the box is already animating? 


    Thanks a ton!


    Update: Sorry @Dipscom I may have misunderstood your point about the "Tween is set to be relative  { y:"-=50" }". Do you mean that i have to use absolute on my box's layout or use absolute measurements on the Tween? And if so can you please give me an example? 

  2. @mikel Yes it's really strange. The more you scroll the more the boxes move out of original position in all kinds of different directions. 


    I also tested the code in my real project and for the first few scrolls it works amazing and everything remains in their original positions, but then some boxes start randomly changing positions, and this is without resizing the window by the way. 


    If anyone thinks they know the answer to this, please help, i will try to investigate in the meantime. 

  3. Thanks @Dipscom for not bringing back stackoverflow's traumatic flashbacks by giving my question your attention :)


    I already looked at he Intersection Observer API, the only thing that putt me off a little bit is the browser support which i think right now is above 80%. But i will give it a try and start playing around with it.


    Is there anyway to do 2 separate animations based on different responsive layouts?

  4. Hey everyone, I have been reading this forum for a long time but this is my first post/question as i have come across a dilemma. Hope you're all doing well.


    I wanted to include my JS code in the codepen but it's a big crazy mess. 

    As you guys can see in my codepen  i have a section in the project I'm building which on large screens has 2 rows with 3 boxes in each row and on small screens 1 column with all boxes stacked on top of each other. 


    What i want to accomplish is really simple, i just want each box to fade in from the bottom-up as it comes in view. The reason I say each box is because my priority is more on the small screens with 1 column, I'm willing to compromise for large screens and what i mean by compromise is that i don't mind if the whole row animates together as it comes in view and then followed by the next row. 

    I kind of achieved this in a very unusual way with code that is terribly wrong, and i looked at plenty of scrollmagic and GSAP  examples including in this forum but i didn't come across any solutions. 


    I would really appreciate any help in how i can achieve this. Thank you. 



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