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Posts posted by DaniLaura

  1. I wouldn't call using alpha instead of autoAlpha a benefit :)


    Basically when the object is fully-transparent the object is still present in the display list and Flash still needs to draw the transparent pixels of your object.


    Performance-wise, if you don't need your object to be able to respond to mouse events, such as ROLL_OVER, CLICK etc., it's much better to use autoAlpha instead, since autoAlpha sets your object's visible property to false at the end of the tween, thus preventing its transparent pixels from being drawn anymore, until you set the object to autoAlpha:1


    Does that make sense?

  2. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "play my progress" but I'm assuming you need a way to display the progress loading every time an element (an image, a SWF, a sound, a video, or an XML perhaps??) is loading, right?


    Anyway, regardless of what you're loading, the loading duration will always depend on several factors, i.e. the speed of the Internet connection, the filesize of the loaded file; obviously if the file is already cached by the browser, then the loading will complete almost instantaneously, hence the apparent 100% loading progress you mentioned.


    If you still want to display a smooth loading progress, I'd suggest you simulate the loading if the item is already cached by the browser, e.g. use a Timer object to check if the time passed since the file loading has started until the loading is complete is shorter than, say 100ms. Does it make sense? ;)


    Hope this helps!




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