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Posts posted by cxinaris

  1. Hello,


    I found out about Greensock some days ago and immediately started using it. I think is really cool but I have some issues with some specific tasks.


    I am trying to:

    - Draw an svg line in portions as you scroll. (using also scrollmagic here)

    - Have a circle that will follow the svg line as it draws.

    (If I manage to do this, then I want multiple circles in a group follow the line as it's being drawn).


    From my codepen you will see not a perfect way to draw the line which I think I can make it better but my main issue is with the circle follow the svg.

    As a first step, I am just trying to follow the SVG (not the line as it's being drawn) but using the MorphSVGPlugin.pathDataToBezier to get the path of the svg, the return path does not really follow the svg.


    I think maybe my SVG needs more points so that the bezier path is more accurate but I am not sure if this is the case here.


    Also I would like to know for ideas if I am thinking this solution completely wrong and there is an easier way to accomplish what I need.


    Thank you,  

    See the Pen JqKoaO by xinaris (@xinaris) on CodePen

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