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Posts posted by fried

  1. Hi everyone,


    I hope someone will be able to point me in the right direction. I'm using react and I have a text component with headings and subheadings. I'd like to animate the first heading, then the first subheading. They'd then animate out after a few seconds and then the second heading, second subheading etc.

    I've tried a few different approaches, but always hit a snag. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The project can be viewed here - https://codesandbox.io/s/dreamy-oskar-x7ns3

  2. I still can't get it right. :(

    I think this this code has me beat. I may be overlooking something really simple and/or have been staring at the code for too long.


    Here are two main snippets of code:

    for(var i:uint = 0; i	{
    	pages.push(new SWFLoader(urls[i],{container:container_mc,name:"swf"+i,x:(1786)*i,y:yPos}));
    	loaders = LoaderMax.getLoader(urls[i]);
    	loaders.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.PROGRESS, childProgress)
    	trace("Laoders :", loaders);


    and the handler:


    function childProgress(e:LoaderEvent):void
    for(var z:uint = 0; z	{
    	smallLoaderArray[z].scaleX = e.target.progress;


    The smallLoaderArray is an array of the preloaders above the thumbnails. When the code executes, it scales the preloaders, but all of them show the progress of the first item, then the progress of the second, third etc.


    As stated, I would like each of them to show the progress of their corresponding loader item.


    Also, a quick question about maxConnections. What is a safe number of maxConnections to run simultaneously or doesn't it matter?


    Thanks in advance.


    *edit* I have tried numerous solutions in the handler, but to no avail...

  3. Hi there,


    My main swf has a few thumbnails for external swf's that need to load. The external swf's have been added to a Loadermax queue. Once the first swf loads, the others carry on loading in the background.

    I would like to show the current progress of each of the swf's with a small progress bar above the thumbnails.

    How would I go about this?


    A point in the right direction would be appreciated.



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