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Haseeb Ahmed

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Posts posted by Haseeb Ahmed

  1. Thanks for your reply,

    What I understood is if I were to make that grid, I will have to first render it out using some other library and then using GASP I can animate it. Now, if you were me, how will you do it from scratch? I have explored a little of pixi as well as threejs, They are using modals and WebGL. I will have to first make a model of the grid, then render it? Actually I am really new into this stuff. Sorry for my lame and basic questions .

  2. Hi,

    Can anyone please help me out for creating a grid like those:



    I am new to GSAP. I really need a starting point plugins which I would need. Some help will be really appreciated. I have did some R&D and I found those both are built on canvas. Can someone please help me out as I am a beginner here? Thanks in advance.

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