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marko krstic

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Posts posted by marko krstic

  1. @PointC Just a one more quick question if you have time

    I managed to add multiple elements (dots) so animation looks more dynamic, 
    But issue is that I am having now is moving around that path is working but scale is ignored.

    If you can please give me some pointer. 

    See the Pen JjBoREY by krstivoja (@krstivoja) on CodePen

    Thank you! So much simpler solution than my overthinking and brain frying solution. 
    Looks awesome now!

  2. Hello dear GreenSock friends,

    I started learning Morph SVG and I stuck a little. 

    Im morphing between 3 paths and step 2 is visible.

    What is doing now is going from step 1 to 2. Stop. Then it's going from 2 to 3.

    Is it possible that all 3 steps are in one "easing" so the visitor don't see that stoping?

    See the Pen qBWeBGY?editors=1010 by krstivoja (@krstivoja) on CodePen

  3. Hey @Shaun Gorneau Thanks for reply and solution.


    Goal for me is to create menu navigation when I will have different animation when it's opening and when it's closing. 

    That's why I imagine that with 2 timelines. 1st timeline when you are opening it and 2nd time line on closing.


    Does that make sense?

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