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Gianluca Giurlando

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Posts posted by Gianluca Giurlando

  1. Hi everyone,


    I`m completely new to GreenSock and I`d like to learn how to integrate it in WordPress 5. I'm working on a WP website and I'm developing my own child theme. I found an old forum post, dating back from 2016 and I`d like to know whether the instructions are still valid.  According to that old post, the steps are:

    1. Add a functions.php file within my child theme to enqueue the JS script (my preference is to import it via the CDN link).
    2. Create a "custom scripts" directory within my child theme and save there my custom script (in the old post this file was called my custom-gsap-scripts.js
    3. Use the custom script file to run my tweens.

    Is this solution still valid and could someone post the actual code here?

    Many thanks in advance for your help,


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