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Posts posted by Tom51north

  1. I'm working on a prototype for a mobile-only website. The concept is, that there is an image with a route on it and the page scrolls along the specific route. The image with the route is larger than the screen and will be updated with x/y transforms to follow the route during the scroll. I've created a GSAP timeline with the different points on the route and synced it to a GSAP ScrollTrigger instance. The trigger ('.scroller'.) is an invisible div with a height of 2400vw, which solely functions as the scroll distance.


    The demo is visible on: https://scrolltrigger-test-ib0bhfhl2-tom51north.vercel.app/.


    The demo works smoothly on desktop (use the mobile debug tool). However, on iOS the whole animation is kind of buggy/laggy when you scroll down the page and I can't find out why. I also have added a FPS meter, but that also shows 60 fps.


    Does anyone have an idea why the whole animation is buggy and how I can fix it?



    const scrollTl = gsap.timeline({
      scrollTrigger: {
        trigger: ".scroller",
        start: "top top",
        end: "bottom bottom",
        scrub: true
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '-33vw', y: '-59vw', ease: 'none' }, 0);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '7vw', y: '-91vw', ease: 'none' }, 1);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '47vw', y: '-130vw', ease: 'none' }, 2);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '-4vw', y: '-169vw', ease: 'none' }, 3);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '-57vw', y: '-203vw', ease: 'none' }, 4);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '-106vw', y: '-244vw', ease: 'none' }, 5);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '-68vw', y: '-270vw', ease: 'none' }, 6);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '-9vw', y: '-264vw', ease: 'none' }, 7);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '26vw', y: '-292vw', ease: 'none' }, 8);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '64vw', y: '-322vw', ease: 'none' }, 9);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '14vw', y: '-375vw', ease: 'none' }, 10);
    scrollTl.to('.scrolltrigger-test__visual-background', { duration: 1, x: '-38vw', y: '-410vw', ease: 'none' }, 11);


    .scrolltrigger-test {
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100vh;
            background-color: #008238;
        .scrolltrigger-test__visual {
            position: fixed;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100vh;
            overflow: hidden; 
        .scroller {
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            width: 100%;
            height: 2400vw;
        .scrolltrigger-test__visual-background {
            position: relative;
        .scrolltrigger-test__visual-background-image {
            display: block;
            position: relative;
            width: 280vw;
            height: auto;
            top: -10vw;
            left: -72vw;


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